America’s Beautiful Bible


By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


If the King James 1611 Bible is not the word of God, then you are not going to find anything better or more accessible.  By accessible, I mean that there is no copyright on the AV (see 2 Thess. 3:1; 2 Tim. 2:9) and it is readable in the universal language of English.  The AV utilizes the handy Elizabethan English for the Biblical Text, but is also simple enough for a modern reader of the Bible with a high school education.  The AV is the best of the old world: viz. the Christianity of the Protestant Reformation and the Christian faith handed down to us throughout the centuries by the Apostles (see Jude 3).  And the new world: in that the holy Scriptures have been preserved to this day and are printed in the most handsome and functional Bibles which Christians have ever been able to get there hands on.  Plus, we can propagate the word of God digitally via the Internet.


Since the King James Bible was translated, it quickly caused revivals and awakenings all over the world.  Colonial America began with 13 colonies just as the nation of Israel began with 13 tribes.  The similarity doesn’t end there: Israel had Moses’ Torah for their word of God, but America had the Geneva and the King James Bible Versions.  God knows the beginning from the end (Acts 15:18)—He knew America would be a great Christian nation; that would not only serve and worship Him, but also evangelize other nations.  Therefore God provided us with a perfect and beautiful Bible Version from our inception.  Should it really be a surprise that King James I of England is the founding monarch of America (with Jamestown in 1607)?  That his name is addressed in the Pilgrims’ Mayflower Compact of 1620?  And that he was the commissioner of the Holy Bible of 1611 that Protestant churches in colonial and early America followed and revered for centuries!  America had a big task before her when we began: but we serve a big God Almighty—and He gave us a big AV 1611 Bible—the biggest asset we have utilized to accomplish our spiritual tasks.


I can tell you personally, that I would not have been able to accomplish the warfare in my life without the King James Version.  America is a beautiful country because of our beautiful spiritual heritage; and our spiritual heritage is beautiful because of our beautiful Book of God... the Holy Bible.  We sing hymns, no doubt, to honor our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: but we also have patriotic hymns in our hymnals where we thank God for our land and nation.  Hymns such as: “God of Our Fathers”, “America the Beautiful”, “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”, and “The Star-Spangled Banner”.  Not only are our songs and hymns of God’s praise beautiful; but so are our churches, and the Christians who worship in them.  And not only is the church beautiful, but so is the land we live in “From sea to shining sea”!  The Bible tells us from the very first verse (Genesis 1:1) that God is the Creator of heaven and earth.  Is it no wonder that we see that beauty of God’s creation here from every day to day?  Just think of the seas, the rivers, the woods and forests, the plants and flowers, the animals, the clouds and sky, the birds, and fish—all of this is not the result of some random collision of stars in outer space (as evolutions and atheists would have us believe.)  But rather, creation reveals to us the beauty and love of our invisible and spiritual God (Rom. 1:20)—and by the Christian revelation—the love of God through His Son Jesus Christ, the Second Member of the Trinity, and His holy sacrifice for us on the Cross.


So to sum it all up, we have: (1) A beautiful Christian faith of the Cross taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles in the first century (2) A beautiful religion preserved throughout church history and restored at the Protestant Reformation in Europe (3) A beautiful Bible Translation in 1611 (4) A beautiful country here in America created by God: Who is also the Author of the Bible (5) And finally, someday soon, a beautiful and glorious return of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ!!! (Titus 2:13)


If you doubt the history I’ve discussed in this article then I recommend you read the quotations from William J. Federer’s book titled “America’s God and Country” and also check out “The Ideals Treasury of Faith In America” edited by Patricia A. Pingry.




The Beautiful Holy Bible



the beauty of holiness” (1 Chr. 16:29; 2 Chr. 20:21; Ps. 29:2, 96:9)


the beauties of holiness” (Ps. 110:3)


The Scripture passages from the Holy Bible talk about how beautiful holiness is.  And that is true indeed.  There is an outward beauty of a traditional Protestant or Baptist church and sanctuary (like Huguenot Road Baptist Church) AND (more importantly) an inward beauty of a pleasant, clean, righteous, and heart and soul consecrated to God our Lord.


Since God is holy, yea holiness personified in the person of Christ; and since God has magnified His word above all His name (see Ps. 138:2).  Don’t you think God’s Word—the Holy Bible rightly deserves the title “HOLY” on it?  YES, YES, YES IT DOES!  If that’s a King James 1611 Authorized Version you’re referring to.


And if you were to poll born-again English-speaking Christians for the last 400 years and asked them ‘Which is the most beautiful Bible translation in English’?  I have no doubt the response would probably be above 90% would say the KJV.  People know the Elizabethan/Jacobean language is beautiful.  The “thee” and “thou” and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ’s deity presents a glorious majesty of our Lord and Saviour.


Holiness is so important to the Holy Spirit that in the King James Bible “HOLINESS” is in block capital letters twice in Exodus. (see Ex. 28:36, 39:30)


I’ve examined the Bible versions.  The Roman Catholic versions, the Laodicean versions, the cultic versions... none of the come CLOSE to the beautiful and holiness of our King James Protestant Bible.  The KJV is the ONLY English version that rightly deserves “HOLY BIBLE” on the cover!  God is beautiful, God is Christ, Christ is beautiful, Christ is the Word, and the Word of God: God’s Holy Book is Holy and Beautiful.  In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray, Amen & Amen.


The Beautiful Holy Bible



When I look at a well done printing of the AV 1611 Holy Bible: it is nothing but beautiful holiness.  The Psalms calls that “the beauties of holiness”.  Beauty is supernatural and divine.  It is not happenstance.  It is not by chance; or caused by natural selection, evolution, or a ‘big bang’.  Beauty, whether it is physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual: points to the Beautiful Creator.  We know from reading our New Testament that the Creator is Christ Jesus. (see Eph. 3:9; John 1:3; Heb. 1:2; Col. 1:16)


My most beautiful Bible is my TBS Large Print Bible or NPC Giant Print Presentation Bible © 1997.  The huge print of the holy 1611 Text, the archaic Elizabethan/Jacobean English, the Book headings, the numerical chapter headings (omitted in the single chapter Books—namely Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude), the paragraph markers, the italicized words.  It is a perfect printing and the perfect (big) size of the perfect Holy Bible (the King James Version of 1611).


If the Spirit of God hadn’t inspired the Scriptures (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16): this Book would look like any other religious or fictional book in world.  But boy, this Book speaks!  This Book is prophetical! (Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled.)  This Book is full of sublime wisdom and knowledge!  This Bible is my Friend, and He is Beautiful!!!


One of the reasons all have fallen short of the glory of God (see Rom. 3:23) is because no man has ever written a book as glorious or as holy as the Holy Bible.


In the earth I see a beautiful physical creation.  In my Bible I see a beautiful spiritual creation.  Both came from God.  In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen & Amen.


The Perfect Bible




If the Lord is the glorious and powerful Lord the Bible and hymns state He is, and He is the loving Lord the Bible and hymns tell us He is—then out of His power, glory, and love He would give us the Holy Bible.  We NEED it according to Matt. 4:4, 2 Tim. 3:15, and John 12:48.  Do you think the Bright Saviour would leave us without light? (see Ps. 119:105, 130; Prov. 6:23)  If He was going to give His people anything of value it would be the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible (see Ps. 138:2; Luke 11:13)  Out of His love He would give us a perfect Bible.  Out of His glory, He would give us the glorious Scriptures (like the Elizabethan English of the AV 1611).  And out of His power He could EASILY give us a perfect Bible. (see Gen. 18:14)  Again, if it’s anything spiritually regenerated people need, and need to feed on (see 1 Pet. 2:2), it’s the Bread of Life’s spiritual words (see John 6:35, 63).


The King James 1611 Bible calls itself “the perfect law of liberty” (James 1:25)—and it’s the only English bible version that can actually defend that title: because it isn’t chockfull of errors, mistranslations, and heresies—yea rather, the AV 1611 is that pure, holy, true, and doctrinal Text that produces salvation and revival wherever it is obeyed, read, studied, preached, and taken seriously.  Don’t believe me?  Just study the Bibles used during the Protestant Reformation—they were trustworthy and accurate Textus Receptus translations.  Just study to see which Bible was used during the greatest period of missionary movement (1600-1900)—it was the King James.  Observe the fact that America was founded and began with Bible-believing Christians (Pilgrims) and the Holy Bible (the Geneva and the King James).


The King James Bible of 1611 is the preserved holy scriptures of the old covenant church and new covenant church.  In other words, it’s the old-time saints’ Bible (obedient, born-again, spirit-filled Bible-believers).  The murderers, persecutors, perverts, and idolaters messed around with those Alexandrian texts and readings that came from the pagan philosopher (see Col. 2:8) Origen.

¶ Apostle James says the word is “perfect” (James 1:25).  Apostle Peter said the word is “incorruptible” and “lives forever”. (see 1 Peter 1:23)  Apostle Paul said it is “holy” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15).  John the Revelator said the word of God is "true" & "faithful" (see Rev. 21:5, 22:6).  But Bruce M. Metzger said it has “serious defects” (NRSV preface)!  Whose opinion are you going to take?  The Apostles? Or the backslidden scholars of Laodicea?

I’ve examined and compared the AV against the RSV and NRSV.  The ecumenical versions are sloppy pagan trash compared to the beautiful pure “words of truth” (Ecc. 12:10) contained in "the holy scriptures" (Romans 1:2) of the A.V. 1611.  Amen.

The modern scholars are like the Pharisees who entered not into the judgment hall so they could keep the Passover, while murdering God’s Son. (see John 18:28)
They want to do religion on their terms.
So they give you their opinions while they rejecting the Holy Spirit at the same time. ¶ As for the phony religious fools: I now quote Isaiah 5:20 (with my own personal wording) 'Woe unto them that call flesh spirit, and spirit flesh!'  This silly conceited anti-Semitic 'minister' (cf. 2 Cor. 11:13-15) thinks he's spiritual, and a holy religious man, as he throws out the blood-stained Holy Bible of the English reformers and martyrs; and then swaps it for a Roman Catholic text that removes the only command in the Bible to study the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15) and God's holy Incarnation (1 Tim. 3:16).  Along with a host of other errors and ignorant failures that are too long list.  Heresies are a work of the FLESH according to Galatians 5:19-20.  Because the flesh came from the DEVIL (John 8:44).  That's why Jesus said you must be born-again (John 3:1-7).

Also Ps. 33:4 says "the word of the LORD is right".  And essentially that what the word 'canon' means: the 66 Books of the Biblical canon is that just, right, and flawless standard by which to measure and constitute what is truth and what is error. (see 1 John 4:6)  Apostle Paul commanded us to "hold fast that which is good" (1 Thess. 5:21).  What is "good"?  THE GOOD BOOK.  If the Good Book isn't "good" nothing is good.  THE Good Book is THE King James Holy Bible of 1611.

The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21)


“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” (Exodus 20:11)  We Bible-believers take the Scriptures literally (unless it is obvious the speaker is using a poetic device or parable).  And I take Genesis’ creation account literally.  And that account is affirmed here is Ex. 20.  We call it a seven-day creation.  It was the first week.  And since then every week has had seven days since the start of time.  The number seven is repeated often in Scripture especially in the Revelation.  But this statement here in Ex. 20:11 is right in the midst of the listing of the Ten Commandments.  So we see the numbers 7 and 10 coming together.  Well, this happens again in the Revelation when New Jerusalem is being described.  The city has 12 foundations, each with an apostle’s name in it. (Rev. 21:14)  And each foundation is made out of a different colour gemstone.  The 7th foundation is made out of “chrysolyte” and the 10th foundation is made out of “chrysoprasus”. (Rev. 21:20)  The names of these stone are not only similar, but they both nearly spell the name of “Christ”; because in Old English the “i” used to be spelled with a “y” because they are pronounced similarly.  As a matter a fact, I've found a minor (yet insightful) discrepancy among modern printings of the King James Bible.  Some printers spell the word "chrysolyte" with a "y" while others spell "chrysolite" with an "i".  In Christ's name, Amen. 

All three of these words: "Christ", "chrysolite", and "chrysoprasus" are nearby in the Greek concordance (Strong's).  They all actually begin with the chi and rho (XP).  Which is a monogram for Christ in Christianity.  The XP represents the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek.  And these two gemstones in Revelation 21 both have the chi and rho for their first two letters too.  Amen.