
Read Genesis 35:16-20


Jacob’s last and 12th son was born of his wife Rachel.  When he was born Rachel died and named him “Benoni”; which means “the son of my sorrow”.  But Jacob didn’t think that was a good name for him so he named him “Benjamin” which means “the son of my right hand”.  Then Rachel was then buried in Ephrath of Beth-lehem; which 1,900 years later became the birth place of Christ (see Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:5-6).  But not only does the location of Rachel’s death relate to Jesus Christ, but also these two names for her son.  When Isaiah predicated the life and death of the Messiah he said that He would be “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief”.  If you read and study the life of Jesus Christ in the Gospels you know that is true.  His life ended with the most sorrowful event one could imagine: death on the Cross.  This was the name Benoni.  But after the crucifixion of Christ was the holy Resurrection! And once the Lord ascended to His Father; He then sat on His right hand! (see Heb. 1:3, 12:2) This is the name Benjamin.


Therefore in just these few verses of Scripture in Genesis 35:16-20, we see prophetical typologies of Christ’s birth place, his sorrows, suffering, and crucifixion; and the eventually his resurrection, ascension, and exalted position seated at the Father’s right hand.  In Christ Jesus the Lord’s holy name, Amen & Amen.