Is it the Covenant or Testament?

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Now the English words ‘covenant’ and ‘testament’ come from the same Greek word (Strong’s #1242) as Edward Hills attested to on page 20 of his book ‘The King James Version Defended’.  But if you are going to accept your Bible as THE HOLY BIBLE and divinely inspired from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, you are going to have to accept the Holy Ghost’s discretion in leading his translators when to use which word.


The Tyndale, Geneva, Bishop’s, and King James all retain the word “testament” in the New Testament.  The modern Alexandrian perversions replace ‘testament’ with ‘covenant’.  You will not find the word “testament” anywhere in any modern version put out since 1881—even though the translators on those translation committees claimed to be translating the New Testament.  The Bible translators in the sixteenth century were holier and wiser than their modern counterparts because they understood that the word “testament” was connected with the “testator” (Heb. 9:16, 17)—Jesus Christ.  And the Testator is connected to death, and death is connected to shed blood.  The old Protestants understood the power of the blood of Christ because they were saved.  But the unsaved modern scholars obviously don’t, because they omitted “through his blood” in Colossians 1:14—which happens to be one of the most powerful scriptures on redemption in the Holy Bible.  The reformers knew the blood was important; because their own blood was being shed as martyrs—persecuted by papists whose final authority was the sinful pope and Jerome’s corrupt Latin vulgate.  I’ll go with the Philadelphian reformers over the Laodicean apostates any day of the week.


‘Covenant’ is NOT a better word than ‘Testament’ as the RSV and NRSV Oxford study bibles editors claim so.  If they had accepted the AV 1611 as the infallible word of God (see 1 Thess. 2:13), they would have accepted the word testament instead of fighting against the Holy Spirit.  But the word of God didn’t work effectually in them, so guess who did?  Satan.  And he led them to change the Holy Bible to suit their own final authority—their own opinions!


The word “testament” is found in 13 verses in the King James New Testament because the “testament” refers to something NEGATIVE that happened—the crucifixion of God’s Son—that’s why the # 13 shows up, like in Galatians 3:13.  Although, like Balaam’s curse, God turned it into a blessing: viz. our eternal salvation.  So though the word is found in 13 verses of scripture, there are 14 instances of it.  And 14 is 2 times 7 (God’s number of perfection).  Here are the references: Matt. 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:6, 14; Heb. 7:22, 9:15 (2x), 16, 17, 18, 20; Rev. 11:19.  I compared the King James 1611 New Testament with the Tyndale, Geneva, and Bishop’s: they all have the word “testament” in the same place as the KJV (except for Heb. 9:15 where the Bishop’s has “covenant” instead.)  So therefore, do you see what the modern versions are doing?  They are trying to get you away from the traditional “words of truth” (Ecc. 12:10) the Holy Ghost gave the English Protestant Reformers.  Do you know why Satan wants to remove us from that Protestant tradition?  Because the reformers kicked his dragon butt, and got us away from Rome; and people started getting born-again viz. converted by the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and revivals, and awakenings took place.  The common man began to obtain the Scriptural “knowledge of God” (Hos. 4:1, 6:6) and people starting turning from superstition and worldly lusts and vanities to righteous and holy living.  People got right with the Redeemer Jesus Christ and started living right for Him!  Now if you were the devil, would you want that taking place?  Of course not, so you would try to cut it off at the root or the source—you’d try to cut off “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15) because they are the source of everything righteous (see Ps. 11:3).


This whole thing about the word “testament” being taken out of modern versions just sets off an alarm to me, that these versions are counterfeits.  If the thing claims to be a New Testament, yet doesn’t have the word in it, there’s a buck in it!


The Tyndale, Geneva, Bishop’s, and King James all have the word “book” in Matthew 1:1, because that’s what the word ‘Bible’ means ‘Book’.  The Protestant Bibles of the Reformation were holy Bibles—men suffered imprisonments, torture, and death for their readings.  We have ‘The Holy Book’ with the AV 1611.  But the NRSV is NOT a holy book, so they have the word ‘account’ in Matt. 1:1 instead.  Nobody on the face of this earth ever was martyred for a NRSV—it was no threat to Satan.  Ever read the parallel description of Moses sanctifying the people of God in Exodus 24 and Hebrews 9?  Hebrews 9:19 says Moses sprinkled “THE BOOK” with blood—imagine some idiot pretending the ‘account’ he was sprinkling wasn’t a “BOOK”.


¶ Like the NKJV, the ASV destroyed the truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ’s role as “testator” (Heb. 9:16, 17 KJV) by changing the Lord’s Supper from “the new testament” in Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, and Luke 22:20 to ‘the new covenant’.  The word ‘covenant’ doesn’t convey this truth; the word “testament” does.  And again, while the KJV has “the new testament” in 1 Cor. 11:25, 2 Cor. 3:6, and Heb. 9:15, the ASV changed these also to ‘covenant’.  Also this is important because the Holy Bible (KJV) has an Old and New TESTAMENT.  Hebrews Chapter 9 explains this: both Testaments were instated with BLOOD.  The blood pictures death; that’s why all the Old Testament sacrifices foreshadowed the New Testament eternal sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary.  Do you see what these corrupt versions are denying?  They’re denying blood sacrifice and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Compare Colossians 1:14.  New versions hide the “testator” (Heb. 9:16, 17 KJV) in the Lord’s Supper by changing “the new testament” (KJV) to ‘the new covenant’.


            Now some smarty may say, ‘You’re right but what about the phrase “new covenant” in Hebrews 8?’  Well, that is not a mistake in the King James Bible: that’s an advanced revelation.  The word “covenant” is used in Hebrews 8 instead of “testament” because you are dealing with a prophecy about the Millennium, not the church age.  This “new covenant” comes from Jeremiah 31 where significant portions of the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah deal with the restoration of the nation of Israel.  So therefore the Holy Spirit, by using the word “covenant” instead of “testament”, is indicating a difference between the church and Israel—which there most certainly is!  In Christ’s name, Amen.