The General Epistles


I’ve noticed the Authorized Version is the only English Bible to call the Catholic Epistles (James–Jude) the “General Epistles”.  And yes, these book headings are found in the original 1611—and most modern KJV editions that are published and printed; and are true to the original AV.  Now why is this?  Because Satan is the author of the modern versions (see 1 Cor. 14:33; James 3:16).  And the devil does not want Christians to “Study” (2 Tim. 2:15) the AV Holy Bible, much less “rightly divide” it. (That’s why that commandment is removed in the ecumenical versions.)  And a crucial component to understanding the New Testament is to see that the Epistles of Hebrews–Jude are the “General” letters.  In other words, they’re unlike Apostle Paul’s Epistles to churches of church age saints in the church age dispensation.  Therefore, the content of these letters is going to be targeted at another group of Christians (mainly the tribulation saints) when the church age dispensation of grace ceases at the Rapture of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.  Of course, there are spiritual applications in the general epistles, but you have to be very careful you don’t use them to contradict Pauline doctrine.  The KJV helps you to avoid this mistake by labeling them “GENERAL”.  Your modern Laodicean bible corrupters and ministers could care less.