The Hallelujah Psalms

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Did you know the Jewish menorah written of in Exodus chapters 25 & 37 can be found in the Book of Psalms?  It can be, listen to the following: this menorah in the Psalms is called the 'Hallelujah Menorah'.  It is found in Psalms chapters 111-117.  When you see the words "Praise ye the LORD" in the Holy Bible (KJV) it literally means 'Hallelujah' in Hebrew.  This 'Hallelujah' is found in the first verses of Psalms 111, 112, and 113.  These three 'Hallelujahs' represent three branches on the left side of the menorah.  Then there is Psalm 114 which contains no 'Hallelujahs': this Psalm represents the center branch of the menorah.  Psalm 114 is followed by Psalms 115, 116, and 117: and all three have 'Hallelujah' in the last verse.  Psalms 115-117 represent the right three branches of the menorah.  So there it is, the candlestick of the Lord giving the light of God's word in the Book of Psalms!  We have in our Bible, seven psalms representing the seven branches of the candlestick.


In the menorah was inside the tabernacle or temple in the holy places where the high priest entered.  This ‘hallelujah menorah’ shows up immediately after Psalm 110—the chapter about our High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. (cf. Heb. Ch. 7)