Hell in the Holy Bible

By Visionary Jacob R. Blandford


I’ve used Deuteronomy 32:4 in various writings and articles to defend the AV 1611 and combat Roman Catholicism.  But the Lord shewed me another application to this verse.  The verse says, “...for all his ways are judgment...” (Deut. 32:4).  That alone tells you the 1611 is the right Bible: because the 1611 retains the judgment of “hell” in the holy text, while the new versions take it out!  The word “hell” is found 54 times in the KJV (64 times if you include the Apocrypha), 35 times in the NKJV, 20 times in the RSV, 19 times in the NRSV, 17 times in the ESV, and 15 times in the NIV.  “Hell” is completely missing from the OT in the NIV!


As I said, we read “all his ways are judgment” in Deuteronomy 32:4.  And in the same Chapter (Deut. Ch. 32) we find the first occurrence of “HELL” in the Holy Bible!  How fitting!  What is more JUDGMENTAL THAN HELL???!!!

Also, Psalms 33:4-5 and Psalms 111:7-8 are cross-references to this verse in Deuteronomy because the verses are similar.

"For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and JUDGMENT: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD." (Ps. 33:4-5)

"The works of his hands are verity and JUDGMENT; all his commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness." (Ps. 111:7-8)

"Hell" in the Holy Bible (54 times in the KJV)

Deut. 32:22

2 Sam. 22:6

Job 11:8, 26:6

Psalms 9:17, 16:10, 18:5, 55:15, 86:13, 116:3, 139:8

Proverbs 5:5, 7:27, 9:18, 15:11, 24, 23:14, 27:20

Is. 5:14, 14:9, 15, 28:15, 18, 57:9

Ezek. 31:16, 17, 32:21, 27

Amos 9:2

Jonah 2:2

Hab. 2:5

Matt. 5:22, 29, 30, 10:28, 11:23, 16:18, 18:9, 23:15, 23:33

Mark 9:43, 45, 47

Luke 10:15, 12:5, 16:23

Acts 2:27, 31

James 3:6

2 Pet. 2:4

Rev. 1:18, 6:8, 20:13, 14

"Hell" in the Apocrypha

The word “hell” is found ten times in the KJV Apocrypha.

2 Esdras 2:29, 4:8, 8:53

Tobit 13:2

Wisdom 16:13, 17:14

Ecclesiasticus 21:10, 51:5, 6

Azariah 1:66