The Truth about the Founding Fathers

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


A few weeks ago we had a Wednesday Bible study a MMBC.  My pastor made the claim that the found fathers were deists and that Thomas Jefferson’s ‘Jefferson Bible’ was a Bible that removed all of Jesus Christ’s miracles from the New Testament.


I want to address both claims, but I want to say this first... the claim that the founding fathers were deists may have some shade of truth to it.  But a ‘deist’ from the 1700’s was FAR more biblical than the modern Laodicean Christian.  A ‘deist’ from the 18th century had MUCH more of a biblical worldview than many liberal Christians today how have adopted a host of lies from contemporary sciences and philosophies. (see 1 Tim. 6:20 & Col. 2:8) The modern Christian doesn’t realize how worldly and devilish his beliefs are because they are part of the “strong delusion” and “falling away” of 2 Thessalonians 2.  The modern Christian has backslidden so far that in actuality the founding fathers were more like bible-believing fundamentalists compared to their modern counterparts.  As a matter of fact, the fact that modern Christians can’t see that the founding fathers were bible-believing Christians is evidence that they are deluded and blind—BLIND—exactly how Christ described them in Revelation 3.  The founding fathers were part of the church BEFORE Laodicea—they were part of the Philadelphian church which was COMMENDED by our Lord for ‘keeping the word of God’.  Its obvious modern Christians have LOST the word of God because they’ve replaced the Philadelphians’ AV with a watered-down and corrupt ‘Protestant’ reproduction of the Douay Rheims called the NIV.


The truth is 29 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence had degrees from Bible colleges or seminaries.  The colleges of colonial America were much more ardent for the truth than today’s apostate schools of Christian learning.  Back then ministers were soundly and proficiently trained in theology from the Holy Bible—today the seminary professors steal the sword of the Lord away from young ministers and replace it with a bean bag from Rome!


I dare to say that any one of the believing founding fathers could interpret and quote the Bible better than 95% of the mainstream pastors today.  They were more devoted to God and prayer; and much less worldly, deceived, and sinful than today’s Christians.  Basically, I’m saying that a 18th century ‘deist’ was exponentially more of a real Christian than the typical 21st century ‘saint’.  O HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!


The founding fathers lived in a religious climate, atmosphere, and environment which was MUCH more conducive to righteous and godly thinking and living than today.  The fathers lived in a time of church reformation (the restoration of the Gospel of Christ), Biblical resurgence, revivals, and awakenings.  Today we live in the “perilous times” of “seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (2 Tim. 3:1; 1 Tim. 4:1).  Back then the AV 1611 had no real rivals: today there are more than 220 perverted English bible versions available to ‘help’ contemporary Christians.  We are living in a time of great darkness (see Is. 60:2), depravity, and occultism right before the Lord’s coming.  We would do well to take Paul’s advice and “not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think” (Romans. 12:3)—and to appreciate the awesome feats of faith our founding fathers accomplished by establishing this great nation of the United States of America! (see Ps. 33:12; Prov. 14:34)


And now I quote Bro. Ruckman, “The ‘Founding Fathers’ of America began with a 1611 AV (Philadelphia, etc.).  All three documents (the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution) were drafted with King James English Bibles in evidence; and the drafters were all WHITE, ADULT, PROTESTANT MALES: “straight” Protestant males.  Note!  America began as a UNI-CULTURED, SEGREGATED, CHAUVINISTIC COUNTRY; a country of Bible READERS.” (‘Bible Believers’ Bulletin Vol. 1: The AV Holy Bible’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 521.)


The Founding Fathers were all WASPs.  From Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, or Teutonic ancestry—an ancestry of Christian reformers in Europe, whose offspring came to the New World for religious freedom.  There are only 3 countries that ever had a covenant with the God of the Holy Bible viz. Jehovah and Jesus.  They are: Israel, Britain, and America.  A map of the thirteen tribes of Israel is very similar to the thirteen colonies of early America.


As for Jefferson’s ‘Bible’, I’ll quote the following excerpt from Wallbuilders 2019 Christmas catalog, on page 6...



Commonly and incorrectly called “The Jefferson Bible”

Notes on the So-Called Jefferson Bible


Jefferson spent years of his life studying the moral teachings of great leaders ranging from Cato to Socrates, and Plato to Cicero.  He concluded that those of Jesus were superior to all other.  In 1820, he compiled over 80 of those teaching into what he titled The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.


He explained to his friends that he had compiled “every text... of the moral precepts of Jesus” so he could more closely study “the most sublime edifice of morality which had ever been exhibited to man.” That work included seminal moral teachings of Jesus, including the Good Samaritan, the Golden Rule, turning the other check, forgiving offenders, kindness to an enemy, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Great Commandment, and many others.


Over time, this work became known as The Jefferson Bible (even though Jefferson himself would have disputed that title).  Many today claim that Jefferson was cutting out parts of the Bible he didn’t agree with, but that’s clearly not the case.  The story of Thomas Jefferson’s faith is vast, complex, and fascinating.  To learn more about the true history behind The Jefferson Bible take a look at The Jefferson Lies on page 18.”