Kenneth Copeland Ministries
By Visionary Jacob R. Blandford
I am a covenant partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I pray for Kenneth and Gloria Copeland frequently; and I love them both dearly. Over the years I learned a lot about faith through their Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. The Copeland’s have led over 122 million people to the Lord Jesus Christ! They are headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. I have both the black leather and burgundy leather copies of the Kenneth Copeland Reference Bible Authorized King James Version. The motto for their ministry is “Jesus is Lord” from Romans 10:9. I would also like to applaud Kenneth for including the Epistle Dedicatory in his Reference Bible. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Prosperity, grace, righteousness, honor, faith, covenant and more—Kenneth Copeland's personal study notes are all in the Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible! It's the perfect addition to your daily Bible study.
Bound in top-grain, genuine leather, this beautiful King James Version Bible is available in burgundy or black, and includes an easy-to-use index to aid in your study time. Special features also include:
King James Version
By Kenneth Copeland Publications
KCM website:
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
FT Worth TX 76161-9984
Jesus is Lord
In God We Trust