Near Kinsmen

By Prophet Jacob Royster Blandford


The Lord’s Day, 3/14/2021 Anno Domini



The Cambridge Concord Reference Bible (KJV) [ISBN 9781107602656] and the LDS 2013 Gift Holy Bible (KJV) [ISBN 9781592976942] are very similar in print and layout.  These two Bibles are near kinsmen; and reflect my Christian faith as a Baptist (who has been baptized by immersion in 1991), a King James Bible-believer, and as someone baptized (by immersion again in 2006) as a latter-day saint. (I was also confirmed by the laying on of hands.)  These Bibles are very similar in the font and the chapter headings.  Also the paragraph markers are almost identical; and the 4 books of the Kings have the same title headings.  Also the Bible title page and the New Testament title page are identical.  They both also have “The end of the prophets” at the end of Malachi and “The end” at the end of Revelation.  These two King James Holy Bibles also include the Epistle Dedicatory. ¶  One of the most awe-inspiring things you can do is compare the layout of the Book of Obadiah in these two Bibles.  ALMOST IDENTICAL!  There is no chapter heading because Obadiah is just one chapter long.  And I like the chapter summary in the LDS KJV Bible: “Obadiah prophecies the downfall of Edom—Saviors will stand upon Mount Zion.” [Note: LDS Apostle Thomas S. Monson {1927-2018 Anno Domini} wrote the chapter summaries for the LDS edition of the Holy Bible.]  This is Christ’s “goodly heritage” (Psalm 16:6)—to have a body of believers in Him who are replicas of Him (see Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:1-3; 2 Pet. 1:4; Ps. 17:15; Obad. 21): conformed to His image (see Rom. 8:29). ¶ With regards to Romans 8:29, I once heard Bro. Peter S. Ruckman preaching on Obadiah 21: and his comment on these "saviours" was that they are the "SPITTING IMAGE" of Christ Jesus.  Amen. ¶ Remember, Obadiah is a "vision" (Obad. 1).  Just like Isaiah is a "vision" (Is. 1:1) and Nahum is a "vision" (Nah. 1:1).  In Jesus Christ's name; Amen, Amen, & Amen. ¶ The marginal references for this passage in the original AV 1611 and the Cambridge Concord are James 5:20 & 1 Tim. 4:16. ¶  I recommend the enlightening notes on this passage in the KJV Common Man's Reference Bible by David Hoffman and the Ruckman Reference Bible Bible by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. 

¶ That’s why He is the “Saviour” and we are “saviours”.  He is the “Son” and we are “sons” (Hosea 1:10; John 1:12).  He is the “Christ” and we are “Christians”. He is the “King” and we are “kings” (Rev. 1:6).  He is the "High Priest" (Heb. 3:1) and we are "priests" (Rev. 5:10, 20:6).


¶ There are about 6.6 million Mormons in the United States.  And there are about 50.5 million Baptists in the United States.  I’m a Baptist and a member of a local Baptist church.  I’m also a former LDS member, and yet I greatly appreciate what the Mormon Church contributed to my spiritual life; and what they’ve contributed to the spiritual heritage here in America.  Also I’m a “Royster” and many of my relatives in the Royster family are Mormons, whom I love dearly.

¶ UPDATE: I live in the Richmond, Virginia area; and as of 2023 A.D., we now have our own LDS Temple here in Richmond, Virginia.  Praise the Lord!  Holiness to the Lord!  I have already visited it.  It was awesome!  Amen.


In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.