After the Order of Melchisedec

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford



The High & Holy Priesthood of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ is "after the order of Melchisedec" (Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6, 10, 6:20, 7:11, 17, 21).  That phrase is found exactly seven times in the KJV—7 being God's # of perfection and completion (cf. Ex. 20:8-11).  Do you know how many times it's found in the NIV?  Six, the # of man. (cf. Rev. 13:18)  Do you know which one is missing in the NIV?  The last one in the Bible (Heb. 7:21): THE NEW TESTAMENT OATH!  That's the where the Father 'swore-in' the Son to the Priesthood of Melchisedec; and it's only found in this verse, in the 1611 Authorized Version. [Note: the Oath is originally found in Psalm 110:4 also, but again this is the only place in the New Testament where the Oath to the Priesthood is found.]  Yet the NIV removes this phrase "after the order of Melchisedec".  This omission is also found in at least 34 other modern perversions of the Bible—and no surprise these modern ‘Protestant Bibles’ have restored the 1582 Jesuit Rheims reading by omitting this sacred phrase.


Do you see why these modern perversions are so corrupt, they not only destroy the doctrines and Divine Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they also rip away all the inspired nuggets, which the Holy Spirit's anointing blessed the KJV with.  And what do these modern perversions replace the godly KJV nuggets with?  Ungodly, rotten, polluted 2¢ revisions/incisions of impious men.


One more thing, as previously stated the NIV (the poison envy) contains the phrase 6 times, but the King James Bible rightly contains it 7 times.  You know why?  Because the NIV is a man's book (man's # 6), but the King James 1611 Authorized Version is God's Bible (God's # 7).  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  The AV spells "SAVIOUR" (seven letters) while the modern versions spell "SAVIOR" (six letters).


'It is an act of impiety to deprive Christ of his priesthood.' —John Calvin commenting on Hebrews 8:4.


***The same omission is found in the NASV according to page 22 of Peter Ruckman’s book ‘Satan’s Masterpiece! The New ASV’.  It’s also missing from the ASV (1901).  See also ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 235, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 56.


Democrats would have been ‘up in arms’ if they had removed Obama’s oath from his presidential inauguration in 2009.  So what do you think the Father God thinks about reprobates removing His Holy Son’s oath to His High Eternal Priesthood?  As Paul saith, “...the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (1 Thess. 2:16) And, “...upon whom the ends of the world are come.” (1 Cor. 10:11)




The phrase "after the order of Melchisedec" is found six times in the Book of Hebrews (chapters 5-7) and once in Psalm 110: for a grand total of seven.  This is highly significant.  Why?  Because seven is always God's number of perfection.  And in the tabernacle and temple there was a golden "candlestick" (Heb. 9:2) (or menorah) which had seven branches.  This candlestick in the priestly temple was a shadow of the real tabernacle in heaven (see Heb. 8:5)—where Jesus Christ currently ministers as our high priest "after the order of Melchisdec".  And yes, Christ is that perfect high priest!  Keep in mind these things are found in the 1611 King James Bible: which according to Psalm 12:6-7 was purified seven times in Protestant Textus Receptus English Bible history before it was finished (viz. #1 Tyndale, #2 Coverdale, #3 Matthews, #4 Great, #5 Geneva, #6 Bishops, #7 King James).  All that took place during the Philadelphian church period.  Unfortunately, today we are living in Laodicean: and the Roman Catholics, ecumenicists, devious reprobate scholars, Christian cults, and worldly lukewarm Christians have all joined together to pervert God's words; and withstand and gainsay the authority of the AV 1611.  With that said, it should not come to a surprise to you that you cannot find this seven-phrase phenomena in the modern bibles: they have removed this phrase "after the order of Melchisdec" from the last and most important instance (the oath in Hebrews 7:21).  Therefore, this tells me the Alexandrian bibles fall short (way short) of perfection (7).


Also, because of Hebrews 7:21-22 in the AV 1611, we can tell you the 1611 King James New Testament is “a better testament” (v. 22) than the Alexandrian New Testaments.  This is because the KJV contains the full reading in the previous verse: viz. the phrase “after the order of Melchisdec”—which is omitted in the Egyptian bibles.  Moreover, you will not ever find the word “testament” in the modern versions because they’ve all removed that word!  So are they really a new testament without the word testament?


That’s why the AV New Testament is “A BETTER TESTAMENT/COVENANT” (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6) than a RSV, NRSV, NLT, NAB, NWT, NASB, ESV, NIV, etc. 


The Geneva Bible (1560) and Bishops’ Bible (1568) contain the correct and full reading here in Hebrews 7:21—like the King James Bible (1611)—being Reformation Bibles of Protestant England. The Spanish Reina-Valera 1960 Bible has "Juró el Señor, y no se arrepentirá: Tú eres sacerdote para siempre, Según el orden de Melquisedec." (Hebreos 7:21)