

"And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith,

And he was numbered with the transgressors."

(Mark 15:28 KJV)


By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


AV 1611 Scripture References:

||| Isaiah 53:12 ||| Mark 15:28 ||| Luke 22:37 |||


I think the word "numbered" in this passage is remarkable, and highly prophetic.  That number is THREE.  The symbol of the 3 crosses is legendary.  Not only that, but 3 is God's #!  The Triune Godhead—Holy Father, Holy Son, and Holy Ghost (see Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7 KJV).  It is a vivid, precise, concise, and clear depiction of Calvary's hill—which the prophet Isaiah predicted in 712 B.C. (roughly 2,700 years ago) or 700 years before Christ’s birth!  Notice this passage is quoted THREE times in the King James Bible! (see Is. 53:12; Mark 15:28; Luke 22:27)


Compare also the thrice quoted "Who hath believed our report?" (Is. 53:1; John 12:38; Rom. 10:16), from the same Chapter (Is. Ch. 53).


This is a fulfillment of a prophecy Isaiah spoke 2,700 years ago.  You can find this prophecy recorded in the 2,300-2,070 year-old Dea Sea Scroll manuscripts. [As an additional note, those Dea Sea Scroll manuscripts match the Masoretic Texts utilized by the 1611 King James Bible translators.]  Now 2,700 years ago, was Isaiah right or not?  Did he prophesy of the right Messiah?  Oh yes!  You can go across the country (USA) and see thousands of the '3 Crosses' displayed!  And Jesus Christ's Crucifixion in midst the two thieves in 33 A.D. is that very perfect, prolific, profound, and deep fulfillment!  Amen.


Notice: that when Jesus Christ was crucified there was a “superscription” (Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38) also nailed to the Cross. The word “superscription” contains the word ‘script’; which is shorthand for “scripture”.  This means not only was the Word Incarnate (John 1:1, 14) crucified, but also the word of God, or the Bible itself (cf. Col. 2:14).  And again, there were THREE CROSSES because “he was numbered with the trangressors” is quoted in THREE SCRIPTURES in the Bible.  The Lord Jesus Christ plus two thieves equals THREE.

By the way, there just happens to be a distillery right down the road from me in my hometown of Powhatan, Virginia named Three Crosses Distillery.


But as a final note: you won’t get any of this information I’ve discussed in this article in the modern bibles because MARK 15:28 IS OMITTED IN THE ALEXANDRIAN TEXTS!!!


Remember, this is Isaiah Chapter 53 we're talking about; the ramifications of the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ are eternal—Isaiah, as a truly inspired prophet of the LORD God Almighty, had the utterance.

In the Lord Jesus Christ's Holy and Majestic and Mighty Name I pray, Amen & Amen.