Paragraphs denouncing occultism

The Pentateuch over the Pentagram



I know of at least 5 entire paragraphs in the Pentateuch (The Torah or The Five Books of Moses) that denounce the occult.  They are: Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 20:27; Deut. 18:9-14.  In all five of these portions of Scripture either a “wizard” or a “witch” is being condemned.




These are paragraphs in the King James Bible because they are marked with a pilcrow sign or paragraph marker ¶.




Thus, in the 1611 Authorized Version, the Holy Spirit gave a “sign” to the devil worshippers and pagans that they, and the evil spirits that guide them, will be ruined.  That will be fulfilled in Ps. 76:12, Zech. 13:2, and Rev. 19:20.  In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.




Do you see why this is significant?  Satan tried to take the number 5 from God.  Five represents the Jewish Torah or the Law.  And Satan is the first and greatest rebel against God, and the word of God (the law of God).  Satan hates the Bible (see Gen. 3:1) and Satan hates the Jews (see 1 Chr. 21:1).  The devil hates the Word of God and the Jews of whom Christ took flesh of (Rom. 9:5; Heb. 2:16)—because that the Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Jews destroyed him on the Cross of Golgotha. (see 1 Cor. 2:8; Col. 2:14-15; Heb. 2:14-15)  And he persecutes things that belong to God by emulating or imitating those things.  He has always hated God and wanted to be like him (see Is. 14:14).   The name “Satan” is 5 letters, the name “devil” is 5 letters, and the word “death” is 5 letters.  You don’t have to delve deep into Satanism to understand the pentagram symbol is a 5-pointed star.  I have heard also that Satan likes to refer to himself as the "scapegoat" which is also from the Pentateuch (Leviticus 16:8, 10, 26).




So what did God do?  God showed him that 5 (as well as all numbers) belong to the Almighty.  So God denounced the devil five times in five paragraphs in the five Books of Moses’ Law.




The devil may try to scare you with a scarecrow; but God has defeated him with a pilcrow!