James Charles Stuart

The Lights and Perfection of Deep Judgment

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


The King James Bible comes from the greatest period of revival the church has ever known: that time is called the Protestant Reformation.  It began with John Wycliff and then continued by John Huss, and then perpetuated through the scholastic labors of Erasmus, and the preaching of faith by Luther.  It is a true adage ‘Erasmus laid the egg; and Luther hatched it.’  Luther reached England through his buddy William Tyndale.  And with Tyndale begins our story of Bible translations in England.  Tyndale’s New Testament was completed and printed in 1525.  After Tyndale’s death his work was completed by Coverdale.  Then there was the Matthew’s Bible by John Rodgers.  Then the Great Bible.  Next the Geneva Bible.  Then Queen Elizabeth’s Bishop’s Bible.  And finally, God’s final and complete for the end-times, in the universal language of Jacobean English, the inspired and infallible Bible... The King James Authorized Version of 1611.  Through this seven-stage (see Ps. 12:6-7) process of refinement the word of God was purified and perfected!


But how did King James now it was God’s will to translate the Bible one more time and to improve upon the 1568 Translation?  Well, the Puritan Dr. John Rainolds impressed it upon him at Hampton Court.  But it was ultimately the King’s decision.  And in the Epistle Dedicatory, Dr. Miles Smith commented the following... “For when Your Highness had once out of deep judgment apprehended how convenient it was, that out of the Original Sacred Tongues, together with comparing of the labors, both in our own, and other foreign Languages of many worthy men who went before us, there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English Tongue;” (Epistle Dedicatory).  The “deep judgment” was the wisdom the Holy Spirit imparted to him concerning this matter of this English translation.  Because King James was a God-fearing Christian, he could hear from God (see John 10:27; 1 Cor. 2:10) and the Spirit of God gave him a green light “Go!”


What followed next was one of the greatest miracles of all church history: including the parting of the Rea Sea, the fall of Jericho, the fiery furnace, and the loaves and fishes, and the Resurrection.  What happened next was the Holy Spirit’s continual and fascinating guidance upon the 52 Bible translators of the King James Version to produce the ultimate, perfect translation of the preserved Holy Scriptures.  The King James Version is perfection of the Scriptures in the English language.  I call it ‘perfection’. (Psalm 19:7)  And isn’t it interesting that in the Old Testament the high priest would wear too onyx stones on the shoulders of the breastplate of judgment called the Urim and the Thummim. (Ex. 28:30, 39:6-7)  The translation of these terms means ‘lights’ and ‘perfection’.  So the high priest, who was God’s representative, bore light and perfection before the people of God.  What an honor the high priest had!  In an even greater way the Lord of glory placed his glory on King James and his Bible translation.  The Bible gives light (Ps. 119:105, 130; Prov. 6:23) and to us Bible-believers it is the perfect light of Christ (John 8:12, 12:46).  The King James Version is perfection and light.  And every time this Bible is printed, it has King James’ namesake on it, because God in his own sovereignty and selection: chose to put his glory upon James Charles Stuart.  How many million and millions of Protestant Christian will thank King James in the kingdom of heaven for his “deep judgment”: for because of it we were able to posses a copy of “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15) in the essence of perfect spiritual light.  Many of us Christians, who read the King James Version, have read it over and over again, and inspected it with a proverbial microscope; and we haven’t found one error in it!  Moreover, all of the critics of the KJV since 1881 haven’t proved the 1611 has any errors in it; because all their complaints and slanders can be answer with sound doctrine, and words of truth, manuscript evidence, and historical facts.  The Bible is perfect because it makes Christians perfect (see 2 Timothy 3:15-17); Amen.  Quite possibly, more than any other man, will King James have Christian men and women thank him in heaven for allowing God to work through him to commission the translation of the perfect latter-day Bible for Protestants, Baptists, Bible-believers, and Mormons!  King James is going to have a host of saints (holy ones) marvel at the glory Christ Jesus bestowed upon him: to even put his name viz. “The KING JAMES Version” on the cover and spine of the Word of God viz. “THE HOLY BIBLE”.


In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen & Amen.