Charles Thomson (1729-1824 A.D.) was an American Founding Father.  He was an Irish-born patriot in Philadelphia. And Secretary of the Continental Congress (1774-1789).  Along with John Hancock (the president of Congress), Charles Thomson’s name (as secretary) appeared on the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.  He was also a Bible-believing Christian.   Thomson was a Greek scholar and teacher. He was such a prominent Christian scholar that he worked 19 years to produce his own translation of the Greek Septuagint (LXX) known as “Thomson’s Translation” (1808).   The 1808 Thomson translation was published in 4-volume sets.   He also published “A Synopsis of the Four Evangelists” (1815), which was similar to a harmony of the Gospels.

 ¶ The first English Bible printed in America was the Robert Aitken Bible (1782).  It was a King James Version and it was authorized by the U.S. Congress.  Because Charles Thomson was Secretary of Congress at that time: his name appeared in the introduction of the Aitken Bible.

¶ Now let me ask you a question?  Does a ‘founding father’ (like Charles Thomson) who translated the Bible and published a harmony of the Gospels sound like a mere DEIST to you?  Of course not, if you have a lick of sense.  Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence: 29 of those men had degrees from Bible colleges or seminaries!

PRAYER: Hallelujah! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ: for the Christian founding fathers, the Holy Bible (and its “free course” [2 Thess. 3:1] here in America). And thank you for the founding of the United States of America—on the Bible, biblical laws, biblical people, and God-fearing churches.  Amen.