The sons of Zadok


In the prophetic Book of Ezekiel, in the chapters where the millennial temple is described (40–48), a certain group of good priests are mentioned.  They are “the sons of Zadok”.  These priests are distinguished from the rest of the Levitical priests and the children of Israel (which became apostate)—because the sons of Zadok didn’t depart from the God of truth; they remained faithful to God and their calling. [The references are Ezek. 40:46, 43:19, 44:15, and 48:11.]


Fast forward to the last days of the New Testament church.  In the New Testament every saved person is a priest (see 1 Pet. 2:5, 9), so we can draw some typologies from the Old Testament Levites.


Now in the 21st century, in Laodicea, we are in the greatest apostasy ever. (see 2 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1, 4:3)  After a time of revival in Philadelphia, the body of Christ has rejected mainly (1) separation (2) holiness (3) sound doctrine (4) the fear of the Lord (5) and their forefathers’ Holy Bible.  The results of these actions have had absolutely devastating spiritual consequences.


[I see the Laodiceans as 3 D’s: dumb, deceived, and disobedient.]


However, there still is here in America a small remnant of Bible-believers who take that 1611 Authorized King James Holy Bible as the perfect and inspired word of God from cover to cover AND OBEY IT.  We are isolated from our apostate brethren, but we’d rather suffer “without the gate” (Heb. 13:12) with our Lord Jesus Christ than to compromise on the Protestant Bible and reject suffering and cross-bearing.  We KJV-onlyists are the true latter-day saints and the end-time SONS OF ZADOK.