Why James, the brother of John, the son of Zebedee, is the author of the General Epistle of James:


1) In James’ Epistle there is no mark of Pauline Grace which was decided on at the Jerusalem council in Acts 15, because James (the brother of John) was killed three chapters earlier by Herod (see Acts 12).

2) Jesus’ inner circle was Peter, and the two sons of Zebedeee (James and John).  We know for certain Peter and John wrote general epistles... wouldn’t it make since that James (the brother of John and third member of the inner circle) would write one too?

3) Jesus named James and John the sons of thunder (bonerges): God’s word is as powerful and loud as thunder (see Ps. 29 KJV).  If John ‘thundered’ with the 5 New Testament Books he wrote, wouldn’t it make sense that his brother would write God’s thunderous word too?

4) All of the Epistles (the Pauline and General) have an apostolic mark on them.  If James Jesus’ brother (Gal. 1:19) was the author of the Epistle of James it would not have an apostolic mark because Jesus’ brother was not one of the twelve apostles.