Apostates Who Changed the Holy Bible

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford

Read Psalms 106:20; Jeremiah 2:11; Ezekiel 5:6; Romans 1:23, 25


Thus they CHANGED their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass. (Ps. 106:20)

“Hath a nation CHANGED their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have CHANGED their glory for that which doth not profit. (Jer. 2:11)

“And she hath CHANGED my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them. (Ezek. 5:6)

“And CHANGED the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” (Rom. 1:23)

“Who CHANGED the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Rom. 1:25)



The Prophets David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Paul all foretold us in advance that the modern bible revisers since 1881 and 1901 “changed” the true word of God.  Viz. they “changed” the holy text of the AV 1611.  These false versions are no mild “revision” like the transformation from the Bishops’ Bible into the King James Bible.  These are brutal and vicious alterations and deletions of the word of God performed by Satan with violent and malicious intent via apostate Christians (see 2 Cor. 2:11, 17, 11:13-15): intended to confuse the body of Christ (see 1 Cor. 14:33) and hinder the propagation and preaching of the Gospel and all “sound doctrine”.


These corruptions perverted the Holy Bible in more than 36,000 places (and the NIV removed 64,000 words!)  The NIV and NRSV are also in agreement with the Roman Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses to remove 17 entire verses from the New Testament! (All based on the depraved Westcott and Hort text.)  And where the Holy Spirit told on them for exactly what they did (in these five passages)—they changed the Scriptures again—to cover up their sins! 


The Protestants of the English Reformation had enough confidence in the 1611 Text to say that it was “Appointed to be read in Churches”.  An unholy text so far and divorced from the true words of God like the NIV or NRSV would have NEVER had received such a recommendation from the Protestants of that era. (That’s why the King James translators rejected the Jesuit Rheims of 1582. And that’s why the Holy Spirit blessed the usage of the 1611 and NOT the Rheims.)  The modern Protestants have forgotten that Christians’ blood was shed for the Received Text and the Reformation bibles.  They know nothing about laying down their lives “for the word of God” (Rev. 1:9, 6:9, 20:4).  They’ll pay some worldly publisher $50 for a corrupted and heretical study bible when they could have had a real Holy Bible (KJV) for a $1 at a dollar store.  Does that sound like Jude 3 to you???


Just read Evangelist Bill Bradley’s “Purified Seven Times” to get down pat this concept: there is no Bible translation on the face on this entire earth that has as much holy blood plus richly anointed spiritual history positioned on it as the King James Bible. 


By the way, this tidal wave of end-time apostasy has gone so far that the 1582 Rheims looks like a jewel compared to the depravity of the NIV and NRSV.  And the Rheims was a perverted Dark Age bible!


Dr. Miles Smith, in the King James Bible’s prefatory letter ‘The Translator to the Reader’, called bad bible translations the “gall of Dragons”.  Also, notice that the “nations” (as in New International) are in the context of Ezekiel 5:6.  The NKJV (1982) has a ‘nice’ way of covering up their sins: in Romans 1:25 they merely ‘exchanged the truth’.  That rendering will match all the other satanic bibles.