A Far Better Environment

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


13 times in Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews does he say the New Covenant is “better” than the Old Covenant.  I want to briefly talk about why the KJV is a BETTER translation than the modern versions.


In his book “Defending the King James Bible” Dr. D.A. Waite lists a fourfold superiority of the KJB, it is:

  • Texts (namely the Hebrew Masoretic and the Received Text or the Textus Receptus)
  • Translators (King James’ subjects and members of the church of England)
  • Technique (the word-for-word formal equivalence and the review and comparison process of the 54 translators)
  • Theology (all the translators believed in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, his blood atonement, resurrection, and miracles)


But I’d like to add two other points to the KJV’s superiority: (1) The timing and (2) The environment.


The timing was the church of Philadelphia. The church that “kept” God’s word according to the Risen Christ in Revelation 3.  It was the time of the Protestant Reformation.  A return to the true gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ and his pure word.  A time of the Five Solas.  It was a time of light and salvation because the Christian faith of the underground Bible-believers was finally brought to the forefront, and the Dark ages and medieval reign of the popes was collapsing.  It was before the deceptive end times of Laodicea.  It was before atheism and environmentalism.  It was before television and movies.  It was before “science falsely so-called” (1 Tim. 6:20).  It was before “philosophy” (Col. 2:8) and critical race theory swept over our colleges and universities.  It was before the big-bang theory.  It was before abortion. It was before sports athletes were the highest paid professionals in the world. I could go on and on, God help us.  It was before the world really stepped into 1 Tim. 4 and 2 Tim. 3 & 4.  That was the timing of the KJV.  The timing was when Christ and Christianity and the Bible were reverenced by just about all of Europe.  They “feared God”.  The same cannot be said about Americans today.  Americans today are pagans, slaves to sin, gamblers, smokers, drunks, whoremongers, idolaters, and most of all LIARS and PROUD idiots.


The environment.  King James I was the head of the nation and the head of the church.  England’s monarchy has a long history of seeing themselves accountable and underneath the Lordship of God, and specially God’s Son Jesus Christ as a Christian nation.  The English kings and queens knew they were subject to the God of the Holy Bible.  Because of this, they encouraged their subjects to also reverence, serve, and believe God.  King James and all his translators served God in this capacity of reverence and faith.  This is why the KJV was superior to any of the other apostate committee members on modern bible versions.  Their translations are patchwork and guesswork.  Just look at their footnotes!  They don’t believe God preserved his words, and it’s their job to rescue the text to the best of their ability.  That is NOT the case with the KJV translators.  They believed they had God’s preserved word in the original tongues (which they did according to Psalm 12:6-7 and Matthew 24:35 and Mark 13:31) and they believed they had high quality translations to compare with (which they did).  They would have laughed at a NIV or NRSV or NKJV and deemed it the “gall of dragons”!  They had access to the Jesuit Rheims of 1582 and the Latin Vulgate but they preferred the holy Texts of Bible-believers over those of Rome.