Esther and Elizabeth

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


One of most paramount woman in the Bible is Esther (the Book of Esther is her namesake).  Her name means ‘star’.  She’s a “star” also according to Daniel 12:3 and Phil. 2:15.  But did you know there’s another woman in the Holy Bible who’s called a ‘star’?  You’ll need a true Holy Bible to find it, viz. you’ll need a King James Bible.  Look in the first paragraph of the Epistle Dedicatory.  There Queen Elizabeth (James predecessor) is called “that bright Occidental Star, Queen Elizabeth of most happy memory”.  There you have it! (Note: “Elisabeth” in Saint Luke Chapter 1.)


Queen Elizabeth’s Bishops’ Bible was the basis for the King James Translation.  Your new bibles don’t come close to resembling the readings (especially the doctrinal readings) of the 1568 or the 1611.  Therefore, if you don’t have a Bible that has the Star’s mark on it (as in the Epistle Dedicatory), you’re not shooting for the stars!  Yea, rather you’re aiming for hell.


By the way, Esther and Elizabeth were both queens and stars, no doubt.  But there’s a big King and a big “Star” (capital “S” for the Divine [a KJV-only reading]) coming soon... just read Numbers 24:17.  Well, since I’m born-again, I’ll just go ahead and tell you who it is... THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (Rev. 22:16, 21).