Genesis and Revelation (Ecc. 1:9)


Genesis: the Book of the Beginning (the probationary world)

Revelation: the Book of the End (the eternal world)

The earth created (Gen. 1:1)

The earth passes away (Rev. 21:1)

Satan’s first rebellion (Gen. 3:1)

Satan’s final rebellion (Rev. 20:3, 7-10)

Sun, moon, and stars govern the earth (Gen. 1:14-18)

Sun, moon, and stars judge the earth (Rev. 6:13, 8:12, 16:8)

Sun to govern the day (Gen. 1:16)

No need for the sun (Rev. 21:23)

Darkness called night (Gen. 1:5)

No night there (Rev. 21:25, 22:5)

Waters called seas (Gen. 1:10)

No more seas (Rev. 21:1)

A river for earth’s blessing (Gen. 2:10-14)

A river for the new earth (Rev. 22:1-2)

Man in God’s image (Gen. 1:26)

Man headed by one in Satan’s image (Rev. Ch. 13)

Entrance of sin (Gen. Ch. 3)

An end to sin (Rev. 21:27)

Curse pronounced (Gen. 3:14, 17)

Curse removed (Rev. 22:3)

Death entered (Gen. 3:19)

No more death (Rev. 21:4)

Cherubim first mentioned (Gen. 3:24)

Cherubim last mentioned (Rev. 4:6)

Man driven out from Eden (Gen. 3:24)

Man restored to paradise (Rev. Ch. 22)

Tree of Life guarded (Gen. 3:24)

Access to the Tree of Life (Rev. 22:14)

Sorrow and suffering enter (Gen. 3:17)

No more sorrow (Rev. 21:4)

Man’s religion, art, and science for enjoyment apart from God (Gen. Ch. 4)

Man’s religion, luxury, art, and science judged and destroyed by God (Rev. Ch. 18)

Nimrod: great rebel and king, antichrist and founder of Babylon (Gen. 10:8-10)

Beast: great rebel, the Antichrist, king and reviver of Babylon (Rev. 13:1)

Flood from God to destroy an evil generation (Gen. Ch. 6-9)

Flood from Satan to destroy the elect (Rev. Ch. 12)

Rainbow: the token of God’s covenant with the earth (Gen. 9:8-17)

Rainbow: token of God’s remembrance of his covenant with the earth (Rev. 4:3, 10:1)

Sodom and Egypt: the place of corruption and temptation (Gen. 10:19, 13:13)

Sodom and Egypt: spiritually representing Jerusalem (Rev. 11:8)

Confederacy against Abraham’s people overthrown (Gen. Ch. 14)

Confederacy against Abraham’s seed overthrown (Rev. Ch. 12)

Marriage for the 1st Adam (Gen 2:18-25)

Marriage for the Last Adam (Rev. Ch. 19)

A bride sought for Abraham’s son (Gen. Ch. 24)

A bride made ready for Abraham’s Son (Rev. Ch. 19) [see Matt. 1:1]

Two angels serving God on behalf of his people (Gen. Ch. 19)

Two witnesses serving God on behalf of his people (Rev. Ch. 11)

The promised seed to possess the gate of his enemies (Gen. 22:17, 24:60)

The promised seed coming into his possession (Rev. 11:15)

Man’s dominion ends: Satan’s begins (Gen. 3:24)

Satan’s dominion ends: man’s restored (Rev. Ch. 22)

Doom of the old serpent pronounced (Gen. 3:15)

Doom of the old serpent executed (Rev. 20:10)

Sun, moon, and stars associated with Israel (Gen. 37:9)

Sun, moon, and stars associated once again with Israel (Rev. Ch. 12)