The Great Bible of the Great King

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford

"Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." (Psalms 48:2 King James Version)

"Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem: for it is the city of the great King." (St. Matthew 5:35 King James Version)


I recommend that English-speaking Christians read and believe the King James Bible.  I also recommend that their KJV Bible would include the Epistle Dedicatory.  With that said, an interesting phenomena occurs in the King James Bible.  The main theme of the Holy Bible is the King and his coming kingdom.  With that said, it is not a surprise that the perfect translation of the Bible was completed under a monarchy (like England), not a democracy (like America).  So the King James Bible opens up with a dedication letter to King James.  And the first words that came out of Dr. Miles Smith mouth was “Great and manifold”.  In the King James Bible the first word of each chapter is enlarged, capitalized, and in bold print.  The same thing happens in the Epistle dedicatory.  The word “GREAT” in is bold letters.  Well, there is only one other chapter in the Biblical text that does that.  It is Psalm 48 and it also begins with “GREAT”.  And again, like the Epistle Dedicatory, Psalms 48 is about the King.  Psalms 48 is a prophecy about Jesus Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. Amen.  And the 1611 King James Version gives you the clearest prophetic description of it.  Moreover, the letters in “King James” and “King Jesus” and “Holy Bible” all add up to nine.  And 1+6+1+1=9.