Golden horseshoes miracle

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


I remember when I was a youth my family and I visited Pennsylvania.  While we were there we toured some of the Amish county in Lancaster.  I remember one of the Amish persons pointed me out of our crowd and gave me a horseshoe painted in gold.  I actually remember it fairly vividly. (My Mom can attest to this story.)  And if I’m not mistaken it had a little plastic flower on it.  It was neat and I remember liking it and keeping it.  That visit to the Amish country has always been an intriguing memory.  Of course I didn’t understand the religious beliefs of the Amish because I was a novice at that time.  But now I know they are simply a plain group of conservative Christians that believe strongly in separation from the world.  That’s a Bible teaching from 1 John and St. James’ Epistle.


Recently, I’d say within the last year, I recalled that Amish gift and thought about a possible prophetical meaning to it.  We of course know from the Holy Bible, in the Book of Exodus, gold represents divinity.  All the tabernacle furniture was overlaid with gold.  As a matter of fact, most King James Bibles have gilded edges.  With that said, we now come to Revelation 19.  The Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth on a white horse!  And we’re with him!  Amen, and Alleluia!  Could it be these heavenly horses will be fitted with golden horseshoes? (cf. Judges 5:10, 20-22; Hab. 3:8, 15)  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman seems to think so: this is evident by his painting on page 305 of ‘Ruckman’s Apocalypse’ where the Lord Jesus Christ’s horse’s hoofs have created a golden spark.  I had just recently obtained this copy of ‘Ruckman’s Apocalypse’ from Bible Baptist Bookstore (Pensacola, Florida).


Now as I type this, today (Tues. 11/9/10 A.D.) all of this has sort of come together.  It came together today as I was bearing the cross, and while “without the gate” (Heb. 13:12), I walked over to the Spotswood memorial in Taylor park located in Orange, Virginia.  I don’t know much about Spotswood, other than what I read on this memorial. But when I read the last two stones on the memorial, my prophetical senses accentuated.  It mentioned that’s Spotswood had rewarded his ‘companions’ (cf. “companions” [Song 8:13]) with embellished golden horseshoes!  To me, that’s a strong type of the 2nd Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ and his relationship with the saints.  Why?  Because we come back with the Lord Jesus Christ riding on white horses with him (see Rev. 19:11, 14).  This takes place after we’ve been rewarded for service at the Judgment Seat of Christ. (see 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10)


So now you see how these prophetical occurrences in my pilgrimage here on earth have served as a portent, and are associated to my relationship with my Good Master Jesus and the Good Book of God (KJV).


PRAYER: I Thank Thee O my Lord, Saviour, and Christ; I bless You Lord Jesus for Thy truth, and for the fellowship with Thee to direct my heart to Thy truth.  And I thank Thee Almighty Prince of Life for the miraculous shadows such as these which help cause me to hope. Amen.


¶ Also Kenneth Carter and Mark Davis, who are both Christian brothers, gave me golf balls from Golden Horseshoe golf club in Williamsburg.  Kenneth lives in the same neighborhood I grew up in.


In the blessed, eternal name of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen & Amen.