The I AM Chapters

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford

(Refer to a Cambridge Turquoise or Concord KJV Bible or an Allan Oxford Longprimer 52)


The Tetragrammaton

(See Exodus 3:14)


These passages not only don in bold capital letters the Tetragrammaton; but the Scriptures here are prophetical concerning the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Song of Solomon gives us a beautiful prophetic picture of Christ’s relationship to His Bride—The Church.  The Lamentations of Jeremiah also gives us a prophetic glimpse of the Lord’s vicarious sufferings. (cf. Lam. 1:12)


This happens in 5 Chapters and Jesus’ name has 5 letters!  In each of these five instances, the “I AM” is a reference is to the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God: He is speaking in the first person.  Amen


·        Song of Solomon 2—two titles Christians often call Christ.

·        Song of Solomon 5—the Husbandman (Christ) speaking to his spouse: His beloved Church.

·        Isaiah 65—This passage is also quoted in Romans 10:20!

o       “But Esaias is very bold, and saith...” (Rom. 10:20).  This introduction is precisely before the Apostle Paul’s quotation of Isaiah 65:1 in Romans 10:20.  Notice two things: first, the Tetragrammaton itself is a bold phrase (as meaning valiant); and secondly, the print in the Bible is bold (meaning boldface printing).

·        Lamentations 3

o       Lamentations 3:1 boldly dons the “I AM”.  Lord Jesus Christ is the “I AM” (see John 8:58, 13:13, 18:5, 6).  Also “...his name is called The Word of God.” (Rev. 19:13)  The Word of God, i.e. the Holy Bible, has 66 canonical books.  This Chapter 3 of Lamentations has 66 verses!  Moreover, who wrote Lamentations?  The Book title tells us: The Lamentations of Jeremiah.  When we turn over to Saint Matthew’s Gospel the apostles liken the Lord Jesus Christ to “Jeremias” (Matt. 16:14).  This Chapter is heavily anointed with prophetical utterances of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sufferings from the Crucifixion throughout this Chapter. (cf. 1 Pet. 1:10-11)

o       Moreover, this Chapter is acrostic in the Hebrew.  There are three sets of twenty two verses—22+22+22=66.  So it goes from the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph) to the end (Tau).  Well, well, the Lord Jesus Christ just HAPPENS to call Himself the beginning and the end and the Alpha and the Omega in Revelation! (see Rev. 1:8, 22:13)  This cycles happens three times in Chapter three because the Three Person Godhead (see 1 John 5:7)!  The title “Lord Jesus Christ” has three names in it: representing the Trinity. (see Col. 1:19, 2:9)

·        John 15

o       John 15:1 dons the Tetragrammaton spoken by Christ Himself (cf. John 18:6) in blood-red, bold, enlarged, capitalized lettering.