Against the Deutero-Isaiah theory

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


I believe the Book of Isaiah was written by the prophet Isaiah because the title of the Book in my King James Bible is “THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET ISAIAH”.  And that title refers to the entire Book.  I’m just a babe and suckling: and I believe what the Bible says about itself. (see Ps. 8:2; Matt. 21:16)  The distinction between the 39th and 40th Chapters doesn’t indicate dual authorship.  IT INDICATES DIVINE INSPIRATION!  The Old Testament has exactly 39 Books (beginning with Genesis and ending with Malachi) and the New Testament has 27 Books (beginning with Matthew and ending with Revelation); for a total of 66 Books in the entire Bible.  That makes the Book of Isaiah a ‘mini-bible’!  The 39th Chapter ends with story of Hezekiah; but the 40th chapter begins with John the Baptist: exactly how St. Matthew (the first Book of the New Testament AND 40th Book in the Bible) begins!!!  This is a supernatural phenomenon when you stop and think about it, in Christ’s name, Amen!


Bear in mind 2 Timothy 3:16.  When you read the New Testament, you have the apostles quoting the Old Testament prophet “Esaias” (the Greek rendering of Isaiah).  These apostles were writing by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost (see 2 Pet. 20-21).  Then you look up these quotations of “Esaias” in the Gospels, Acts, and Romans—you find that Chapters from both ‘divisions’ of the Book of Isaiah are attributed to the prophet Isaiah... not somebody else.  Otherwise you are calling in the Holy Spirit (in the apostles) a liar.  And I would not want to blaspheme of the Holy Spirit; God forbid!  The Holy Spirit said “Esaias” (or ‘Isaiah’) wrote BOTH divisions!!!


·        In Matthew 3:3, Isaiah 40 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Matthew 4:14, Isaiah 9 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Matthew 12:17, Isaiah 42 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Matthew 13:14, Isaiah 6 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Matthew 15:7, Isaiah 29 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Mark 7:6, Isaiah 29 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Luke 3:4, Isaiah 40 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Luke 4:17, Isaiah 61 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In John 12:38-41, Isaiah 53 & 6 are quoted and both chapters are attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Acts 8:28, Isaiah 53 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Acts 28:25, Isaiah 6 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Romans 9:29, Isaiah 1 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Romans 10:16, Isaiah 53 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Romans 10:20, Isaiah 65 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.

·        In Romans 15:12, Isaiah 11 is quoted and attributed to Isaiah or Esaias.


Moreover some advocates of the ‘deutero’-theory, (despite this information,) say Isaiah was written by multiple authors because futuristic or prophetic material is in the second half and not the first.  But that is a lie.  Anyone who reads and examines the prophecies of Isaiah can find globs of prophetic material in both ‘sections’.