Joshua & Jesus

Acts 7:45 & Hebrews 4:8 King James Version

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Hebrews 4:8 strengthens the fact that the King James Bible is the inspired translation of the Holy Scriptures because it enforces the typology between Joshua and the Lord Jesus.  All the corrupt perversions of the Bible destroy this typology.  But the KJV translation rendered the Greek inspirationally. (For the Spirit sheweth Joshua's conquest of Canaan as a picture of Christ's eternal victory at Calvary. —cf. Heb. 10:12-13)


Therefore we see that the translated text is prophetically inspired.  This is called KJV 'advanced revelation' — viz. translated Scriptures sharpened by the Holy Ghost. (see Hebrews 4:12)


Joshua represents victory through promise.






Joshua & Jesus:

Hebrews 4:8 strengthens the fact that the King James Bible is the inspired translation of “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; II Tim. 3:15) because it enforces the typology between Joshua and the Lord Jesus.  Joshua represents victory through promise. (cf. Matt. 12:20; I Cor. 15:57) Christ is “...the captain of their salvation...” (Heb. 2:10).  As Israel's military leader Joshua was also confronted by this "captain" (see Joshua 5:13-15).  But all the corrupt perversions of the Bible destroy this typology.  But the KJV translation rendered the Greek inspirationally. (see also Acts 7:45)  For the Spirit shewth Joshua's conquest of Canaan as a picture of Christ's eternal victory at Calvary. (cf. Heb. 10:12-13)  Christ will come back on a white horse at His Second Coming. (see Rev. 19:11)  I think a fitting title is: CALVARY'S CAVALIER.  Amen.


Therefore we see that the translated text of the KJV is prophetically inspired.  This is called KJV ‘advanced revelation’—viz. translated Scriptures sharpened by the Holy Ghost. (see Hebrews 4:12, 11:5)


“Where the word of a king is, there is power...” (Ecclesiastes 8:4)


“Nevertheless the king's word prevailed...” (I Chronicles 21:4)




Another note:

The Geneva Bible (1560), Bishops’ Bible (1568), and King James Bible (1611) are all English Protestant Reformation Bibles.  These all contain the rendering “Jesus” in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8.  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman has some remarkable comments on this rendering in his book ‘The Bible Believer’s Commentary Series: The Book of Acts’, pages 280-282.




¶ The Book of Joshua is a picture of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.  The names Joshua and Jesus are synonymous (see the King James Bible in Acts 7:45 & Heb. 4:8).  Christ and Joshua are military dictators (Ps. 110; Rev. 20).  A “captain” shows up with a “sword” in Josh. chapter 5 (vs. 13-15) (see Heb. 2:10, 4:12 KJV).  He attacks an accursed city in Josh. Ch. 6 (see Rev. 17-18).  The sun and moon stand still (Josh. 10:12-14; Hab. 3:11).  And he attacks a city called “Ai” (Josh. Ch. 8).  “Ai” being short for ‘Artificial intelligence’.  Tribal allotments will be designated after the battle (Josh. 13-21; Ezek. 38-39, 47-48; Rev. 19-20).