A defense of the ‘Long-ending’ viz. Mark 16:9-20

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


‘Having been advised that Mark 16:19-20 should be discarded because it is not found in the “best” manuscripts, he finds that the actual evidence confirms its mysterious presence in 618 manuscripts while missing in only two, א and B.’[i]


‘These verses tell about the resurrection of Christ. In the New American Standard Bible they put brackets around all 12 of these verses and say that they were “probably not” in the original writings. That is a very misleading statement! Out of 620 ancient manuscripts of the book of Mark, these 12 verses are found in 618 of them. To say that they were “probably not in the original writings” is ridiculous![ii]


God’s word is full and complete.  He’s preserved it fully and completely.  Therefore it is ridiculous and preposterous to assume He would abruptly cut off the end of St. Mark’s Gospel: to cut off more than half of the last Chapter!  Especially when considering this includes some of the most important verses in the Bible about the Lord’s resurrection! (cf. I Cor. 15:17)  The resurrection is the climax of Mark’s Gospel account.  This ‘gap theory’ is convenient for the devil; he never wanted Christ to rise from the dead in the first place. (cf. I Cor. 2:8)  Use some common sense, you’re in a warfare with a wilily devil who hates everything about the Gospel of Christ, and his chief objective is to withstand and subvert the Scriptures (see Gen. 3:1; II Cor. 11:3), and blind the world to the truth. (see II Cor. 4:4)  That fact that this is even an issue tells me it’s satanically motivated because it’s intended to foster doubt about God’s word. (cf. Heb. 3:19)  And I especially know it’s satanically motivated when it’s cause doubt concerning the Biblical account of the Lord’s Resurrection.  Also, John Calvin has commentaries on these Scriptures in Mark 16.  Don’t tell me the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t have the word of God working effectually (see 1 Thess. 2:13) in arguably the greatest Protestant Reformer.  Calvin’s successor, Theodore Beza printed a Greek Receptus manuscript.  The Textus Receptus manuscripts have a total and universal inclusion of these Scriptures from Mark 16.  And the King James Bible is based on the Textus Receptus: that’s why these verses are in the AV 1611.


Mark 16 also gives us a clear account of the Lord Jesus Christ’s ‘Ascension’ in Verse 19.  Not only does the devil try to hide the truth about the resurrection; that wicked also wants to hide the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended, and is presently seated at the right hand of the Father God.  There are several references to the ascension of Christ in the New Testament, but only the Gospels of Mark and Luke synoptically give us accounts of it.  Therefore the fiend comes up with a scholastic lie among intellectuals to try to throw out this pertinent Scripture.  Read Acts 7:55-56 where Stephen, right before his martyrdom, sees Christ in heaven: just like Mark tells us in Mark 16:19.  Stephen knew Mark was right.  Obviously modern scholars aren’t the same ‘caliber’ Christians as Stephen and Mark were.  Next, one only needs read the Epistle to the Hebrews to see how important this “right hand” seated-position of Jesus Christ is.  The reason is because it’s connected to His High Priesthood. (see Ps. 110:1; Heb. 1:13) [See also Hebrews 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2.]  This mystery from Psalm 110 is revealed in the same Epistle! (see Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6, 7:17, 21)  Of course Satan wants to hide that truth; the same way he tried to interfere with the priesthood in Zechariah 3:1.  As a matter of fact, that verse is a clear picture of Jesus Christ; just compare the names “Joshua” (Zech. 3:1) and “Jesus” (Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8). [The Holy Ghost also provides a strong prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ’s priestly role in Zechariah 6:13.]  Also the Levitical high priests have always shadowed Christ’s high priesthood (see Heb. 9:9, 10:1), that’s why the tabernacle was given to Moses as a heavenly pattern. (see Ex. 25:40; Heb. 8:5; Acts 7:44)  But look what Satan’s doing in Zechariah 3:1, the same thing he’s doing by caviling about Mark 16:19, “...and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.” (Zech. 3:1)  Compare the verses.  They both relate to the high priesthood of Jesus Christ, and both involved satanic resistance; except nowadays it comes from the devil’s children: apostate scholars (see John 8:44).


Also the seated position speaks to completion, finality, and rest.


It should be noted that Mark 16:19 agrees with numerous New Testament Scriptures (i.e. Ps. 110:1; Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36, 16:19; Luke 20:42; Acts 2:25, 33-34, 5:31, 7:56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:3, 13, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2; I Pet. 3:22).  This proves the Lord Jesus Christ isn’t in some Baalite Nicolaitane’s wafer, but heavenly seated at the right hand of the Father God.  That’s why the Roman Catholic versions and manuscripts question Mark 16’s ending because their mass questions Jesus’ seated position.


Saint Mark would have NEVER left out the Resurrection of Christ Jesus.  Neither would the other Evangelists (Matthew, Luke, and John) nor David, Peter, or Paul leave it out. (see Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:27, 13:35)  Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, and Saint Luke are synoptic because they included similar details on the resurrection, the great commission, and the ascension.  God would have never moved Mark to leave off the Resurrection.  Remember, it’s God’s Book, not a man’s.  God directed it by His Holy Spirit. (see II Pet. 1:20-21)  And it’s been preserved the same way too: in the King James Bible.  To think that God wouldn’t preserve this eminent finish to Mark’s Gospel, or that it was lost somewhere and the Almighty couldn’t preserve it: is ludicrous and downright blasphemous.


If modern apostates think I’m wrong for believing in a Bible (KJV) that has Christ’s resurrection account in it, then let me be wrong to the devils and right to God. (see Rom. 3:4)  I think apostates also despise these last few verses which the Lord speaks IN RED LETTERS IN A KING JAMES 1611 PROTESTANT REFORMATION BIBLE because it’s prophetic (v. 15), dogmatic (v. 16), and exposes their weak and powerless reprobate Christian profession. (v. 17, 18) Also the Great Commission (see Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15) pre-supposes the fact that Christ would supply His body with the Words of God for evangelism. (And indeed He has supplied His soldiers with artillery: the A.V. 1611 a/k/a the Martyrs’ Sword.)  This is a presumption NO modern ‘scholar’ would ever make because doubt and criticism are their perverse/unchristian (ay, unfaithful) tenants. (cf. vs. Heb. Ch. 11)  The spirit of these apostates is not the faith of the Holy Spirit (see Gal. 5:22; II Cor. 4:13), it’s “...another spirit...” (II Cor. 11:4).


Do you see how the devil puts ‘mind tricks’ on apostates and misled brethren, insomuch that they think they’re actually serving the Lord Jesus Christ by taking a ‘firm stand’ against the resurrection and ascension of Christ in Mark 16?  My, my, you’d think a man would have to be a hellbound sinner to actually preach those two doctrines. (Please note my sarcasm.)  Do you see how Satan totally twists the situation around?  The devil doesn’t just make them neutral or indifferent—he makes them furiously, fidgety, and fervently irritated with the King James Bible. (cf. John 16:2-3)  In short, the devil specializes in turning friends into fierce, treacherous enemies.


These ecumenical, closet-catholic hypocrites are always screaming that ‘Mark 16:9-20 doesn’t belong in the Bible’ because it’s not found in 1/100th of the manuscripts.[iii]  It’s missing in Vaticanus and Sinaiticus; yet it's present in every other God-blessed, soul-winning, Christ-exalting manuscript extant.  Big whop.  Vaticanus is also missing the entire Book of Revelation, Psalms 106–138, Genesis 1:1–46:28, Paul’s Pastoral Epistles, the last ⅓ of Hebrews; it has a Greek (not Hebrew Masoretic) Old Testament, it includes the apocryphal books and the epistle to Barnabas.  There’s where your whining and complaining should be targeted; be you’ll never criticize a Roman Catholic mss because you’re a Gentile-idolizing, Pope-praising, Nicolaitan apostate.  After I was so viciously reprimanded by a pastor in Midlothian, Virginia for reading a KJV, which included Mark 16:9-20 (without brackets or footnotes)—I now realize why.  That was an ecumenical Roman Catholic church!  That Jeremiah 23:1 pastor was using the VATICANUS (and a mixture of his own opinions) as his dogmatic standard and final authority. [Nothing I could have had access to as a babe in Christ!]  So there he was, extremely dogmatic about removing the last 12 verses of Mark; but he was not the least stirred about what modern versions have done to 1 Timothy 3:16, John 9:35, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 3:9, or Galatians 3:10.  That Jeremiah 23:1 pastor wasn’t concerned about any of the Vaticanus’ shortcomings (listed above), which is short in everything except that it was written on nice material vellum.  But none of these things move, nor do I count my life dear to myself, that I might finish my course with joy, and suffer “for the word of God” (Rev. 1:9, 6:9, 20:4).  [Note: those 3 quotations cannot be found in the pope’s Vatican mss.]


Another reason way apostate scholars cavil about Mark 16 is because of the ‘Great Commission’ command in Mark 16:15 (cf. Matt. 28:19).  This passage exposes their lack of evangelistic zeal.  After all, how can they “Preach the word...” (II Tim. 4:2), if spend all their time tearing the Word (KJV 1611) apart?  They are completely void in this area of soul-winning, and therefore according to Proverbs 11:30 they’re not as wise as they claim to be.


Last, but not least, Mark’s Gospel ends with a firm, faithful and true, hearty “Amen.” (Mark 16:20)  Just like the other Gospels close.  This is Christ’s spiritual stamp of approval on the ending, because in Revelation 3:14 He calls Himself the “Amen”.


A standard/plain text KJV looks like a work of faith by men that believed God’s word (see 1 Thess. 2:13).  A NRSV with all the various short and long endings, footnotes, and bracketing looks like a Genesis 3:1 work.  Especially when you consider what’s at stake?  The doctrine of Christ’s resurrection and accession!  Another ‘dime-a-dozen’ Laodicean pastor tried to make the distorted Alexandrian reading the standard in his sermon today.  It maybe his standard, but it is not my standard; and I have freedom of religion and conscience.  The Protestants Bibles are the standard of orthodoxy.  You can’t rest anything on Vaticanus!  Even if it is the official manuscript of the Roman church.  I’m not a Roman Catholic; I’m a Bible-believer and a Protestant.  You’re a false Baptist and a false Protestant if you believe in the Alexandrian manuscripts because your denomination began with Textus Receptus Bibles.  Your simply in latter-days’ apostasy (see 1 Tim. 4:1) and have removed the Protestant forefathers’ Bible of the Reformation (see Prov. 22:28, 23:10).  I’m simply suffering a mild form of suffering by hearing such deceived scoundrels spew blasphemous belching: under a pious pretense of course!  I quote “...for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Rev. 1:9)  The 1960 Spanish Reina-Valera has the KJV reading without any footnotes.


By omitting the Great Commission in Mark 16:15, the modern bibles, and those that promote them, do not meet the criteria of Proverbs 11:30.


The terminology of calling Mark 16:9-20 “the long ending” is slanderous and misleading.  The correct thing to say is “the right ending”, “the correct ending”, or “the inspired ending”.


I just got some mail today (3/2/2019 Anno Domini) from Jesse Duplantis Ministries.  Jesse included a reply envelope.  And the envelope has security printing on the inside.  Do you know what the security printing says???  It has Mark 16:15 printed over and over again.  That’s a REAL evangelical.  And REAL evangelicals have Textus Receptus Bibles (which include Mark 16:9-20)!  [Note: it’s interesting that I received this from Jesse this week.  Because earlier this week that Laodicean pastor said in his sermon this reading was late.  On Monday I respond to that false assertion with a quotation from page 210 of Edward F. Hills book “The King James Version Defended”.  I think that’s nice the Holy Spirit confirmed my defense of this passage with this envelope from JDM the same week.  JDM has won 1,000 times more souls to Christ than his church.  And that’s an understatement.  Again, Proverbs 11:30 KJV.  The same could be said about Jack Van Impe, who has won millions of souls to Christ Jesus: and publishes The JVI Prophecy Bible in the “Majestic” King James Version Translation.]


Another point is that your true King James Bible printings (ever since 1611) title Mark’s Gospel as “The Gospel According to SAINT Mark”.  This saintly title is important because it implies holiness.  The word is missing from the Book title in the modern versions such as the ESV, NIV, NKJV, and NRSV.  Because those gospels of Mark in those bibles are untrue and unholy.  However, for over 400 years English-speaking Protestants have read from SAINT Mark in the Authorized Version: and the Holy Spirit’s rich blessing on this Holy Book is absolutely unmistakable.  You have to deny historical facts to deny the enormous impact of prosperity the Authorized Version had on England and America.  This nation was not founded on the Catholic church and the Jesuit bible of 1582.  It was found on God and the Holy Book of Christianity from the Received Text.  That’s precisely how this nation began and that’s how it continued till 1901 when the ASV signified the start of the Laodicean church.  Then America became an end-time hellhole of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Dropping “Saint” from Mark’s Gospel may seem minor to some; but it is a bellwether indicator of America’s apostasy and wicked un-holiness.


Additional resources:

‘Answers To Your Bible Version Questions’ by David W. Daniels © 2003, Chick Publications, pages 117-119.

‘The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark’ by Dean Burgon.

‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 208-218.




[i] ‘Final Authority’ by Dr. William P. Grady © 1993 Grady Publications, Inc., inner jacket cover.

[ii] ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry D. Burton © 1983, Chick Publication, Inc., Page 34.’

[iii] ‘The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 145.