The KJV Masterpiece

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


The 1611 King James Version of the Bible is a masterpiece.  The 1982 NKJV is a fake and doesn’t even place or show when it comes to comparing to the glory of the 1611 Translation.  My point is this: something that is authentic and is a masterpiece is not something that came from mankind’s “cunningly devised fables” (1 Pet. 1:16)—rather, it is the TRUTH, and it has the marks and tastes of divinity and godliness all over it from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22.


Moreover, the pinnacle of Bible translations is the KJV; and it comes from one of the peaks of church history viz. the Protestant Reformation in England.  Moreover, the Holy Spirit AUTHORIZED the King James Bible by reason of use for over 400 years of worldwide evangelism, salvations, revivals, awakenings, sound instruction, prophetic developments, and prosperity.  THEREFORE, I say as Apostle Paul said, the King James New Covenant cannot be disannulled or added thereto (see Gal. 3:15-17).  Any attempt to do so since Westcott and Hort in 1881; has been a devilish hoax and a satanic counterfeit.  God Almighty slammed the door shut on end-time revelation in 1611.  And Satan has been opening trap doors ever since 1881.


God’s greatest gift to the world is his blood for our redemption. (John 3:16, 6:33, 51; Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14)  And the saints’ greatest weapon against our adversary is the blood (Rev. 12:11).  And the New Covenant is called “the BLOOD of the everlasting COVENANT” (Heb. 13:20) viz. The New Covenant or The New Testament.  That’s the Holy Bible containing the Old & New Testaments or “the holy scriptures” (Romans 1:2; 2 Timothy 3:15).  The Textus Receptus (the Greek Text the King James Bible was translated from) is the most blood-sprinkled (cf. Heb. 9:19) and blood-saturated holy Text on the face of this earth!  That includes the Received Text translations: beginning from the 2nd century (the Old Itala or Latin Bible and Syrian Peshitta) up to the English Reformation Bibles (e.g. Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthews, Great, Geneva, Bishops’).  Those Bibles and that Greek Text have the martyrs’ blood all over them!!! (Just read “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”.)  Where the blood of Christ is; so also is the Spirit of truth.  The Spirit of Truth is on this Reformation Text because the Spirit of Truth was inside the believers who died for those Bibles.


On the other hand, by comparison, are the Roman Catholic bibles: and hardly anybody died for them because Rome exalted papal tradition above the word of God anyway (Mark 7:13).  Most of the priests in the dark age were illiterate.  Plus, the Vulgate is so corrupt nobody would feel so attached to it so they’d give their lives for it.  Contrarily, the church that promoted this text didn’t die for it: THEY KILLED FOR IT.  Yes, they persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and killed the Bible believers all through church history because they were ‘heretics’.


Moreover, if you have a Textus Receptus Bible you have “blood” in one of the greatest redemptive Scriptures in the Holy Bible (Col. 1:14).  But the “blood” of Christ has been eradicated by Satan in his Alexandrian bibles in Colossians 1:14.  Plus, you have another attestation to the true reading in the companion passage in Ephesians 1:7!


Satan had to stop killing Christians (at least here in the West) because he couldn’t stop them from reading their Bibles; so he invented textual criticism, higher education, ecumenicism, and apostasy to stop the Received Text.

Also, another proof of the Bible’s validity is its uncanny ability to provide such great advice on practical righteous living. For example: the Ten Commandments of Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5.  The wisdom the Bible provides delivers from bondage and brings freedom. (see Lev. 26:13) All of the self-help books in the world don’t come close to the spiritual, physical, and financial freedom a sound Biblical education provides. (John 8:32, 36)


Now meditate on this Scripture, “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” (Psalm 33:6)


This passage tells us how God created the heaven and earth (Gen. 1:1) viz. through his Word (John 1:1-3; Eph. 3:9).  Does creation with all of its intricacies, complexities, precision, and wonders appear as happenstance or circumstance or blind, random fate?  No!  Creation is the work of “the only wise God” (Jude 25). [P.S. If you want to read about creation in the New Testament: check out Romans Chapter 1.]  It’s the same argument we bring to the big-bang scientists and atheists.  The pristine conditions for life here on earth point to intelligent design.  Yes God, created the heaven and earth in 6 days, just like Genesis chapter 1, the first chapter in the Bible, tells you.  And if you don’t believe it you’ve denied God and called Him and the Word liars to their face!  But it was created by God and it also sustained by God or Christ (Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:3) and it was all done by FAITH! (see Hebrews 11:3)  Now what kind of faith was it?  The faith of God: this kind of faith has absolutely no unbelief in it whatsoever!  Now let me ask you this: which Bible translation looks like it came from the same powerful faith of God— the AV or the NRSV???  I’ll answer for you: just compare the few marginal notes in the AV against all the ambiguous and spurious doubt-raising (Gen. 3:1) footnotes in the NRSV.  The NRSV is not the work of the Almighty Everlasting King!  It is the work of apostate Christians full of pride, doubt, disobedience, scorn, and contempt.  The holy King James translators allowed God to work though them by faith.  And brother it showed up in their translation work!  In Jesus Christ’s, holy name, Amen.