Musick and Magick

In this church age dispensation: two of Satan’s greatest and worldly (2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2, 6:11-12) weapons are devilish MUSIC and devilish MAGIC.

These tools of the Prince of Darkness are exposed in the Holy Bible (2 Cor. 2:11)—in the Authorized Version ONLY. And ONLY here they have a unique Elizabethan spelling... viz. “musick” (Saint Luke 15:25) and “magick” (Wisdom of Solomon 17:7). Notice both of these words contain the exact same number of letters (6) and both begin and end with the same letters.

Note: this instance of “musick” in Luke’s Gospel is the only time the word is found in the entire New Testament. (However, the word is found 15 times in the Old Testament.) And this instance of “magick” in the Wisdom of Solomon is the only time the word is found in the entire Bible. (However, the word “magicians” is found several times in Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel.)

It is impossible for modern evangelical Bibles to reveal these demonic crafts because of two reasons: (1) Most of them don’t include the Apocrypha. (2) They don’t have the archaic spellings of Jacobean English—i.e. both words ending with a “k”, whereas the “k” has been removed in modernized English spellings.

¶ I also believe, because music & magic are in the Holy Bible, they can be used for holy and godly purposes too; if used properly.