They Never Crossed[i]

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Modern 'scholarship' has done everything they can slander the idea of an inspired translation.  (Despite numerous Scriptural examples of this being done.)  They look at it from a faithless, depraved standpoint of men.  Romans 1:17 & 3:4 tell me they are wrong right off the bat.  'Translations' in the Kingdom of Christ (see Col. 1:13) are flawless.  That's the way we need to look at it.  From the standpoint of God's omnipotent power; not man's limited abilities.  These 'scholars' have never crossed the bridge from unbelief to belief; they've never crossed over from the mundane to the miraculous.  How do you know?  Because the same scholars who don't believe in an inspired translation; are the same ones who took off the Jews crossing the Red Sea on the Exodus Bible maps.  Are you surprised?  They greatest event is Jewish history is reduced to nothing.  A tradition observed even to this day by Jewish people in their Passover Haggadah is turned to an allegorized fable. (see II Tim. 4:4)


These 'Christians' claim they believe the Lord Jesus Christ has saved their soul, but yet when it comes to other Biblical miracles they deny them and try to make it seem like the Holy Ghost lied (the Spirit of Truth) about the Scriptures He inspired!  Woe unto them!  Salvation is the greatest miracle.  If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, you ought to believe every other Biblical miracle or power of God. (see I Cor. 1:18) [Including the miracle of God perfect preservation and translation of His very own Words.]  Especially the since Rea Sea because it's type of salvation (see I Cor. 10:2), and it's so often mentioned throughout the Scriptures, and Jewish traditions. (e.g. Ex. 15:8-10; Num. 21:14, 33:8-11; Deut. 11:4; Josh. 2:10, 4:23, 24:6-7; I Kings 9:26; Neh. 9:11; Ps. 33:7, 66:6, 78:13, 106:9-11, 22, 136:13-15; Is. 11:15-16, 50:2, 51:10, 15, 63:11-13; Nah. 1:4; Hab. 3:15; Acts 7:36; Heb. 11:29; Judith 5:13)  If you deny that the Hebrews crossed the Rea Sea then you also deny the way the Egyptians perished.  This is such a clear Biblical teaching that it just shows how when it comes to truth, sometimes the devil will outright deny reality. I just gave you all the biblical references where this miracle is mentioned over and over by the Holy Ghost.  If this miracle was minuet it would have never been repeated so many times in God’s word.  I suggest you get a Ruckman Reference Bible from Bible Baptist Bookstore (Pensacola, Florida) and look at CORRECT map of the Exodus route.


In short, the modern scholars' mentality is indicative of an unbelieving, reprobate mind that's God's given them over to because of their pride. (see Rom. 1:22, 28)


Do you know where the route should be on the Exodus Bible maps?  Right smack dab in the middle of deepest and widest part of the Red Sea!  Viz. “...the heart of the sea.” (Ex. 15:8), “...and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness...” (Num. 33:8).


Modern scholars grossly imply the Israelites went through a swamp. (See modern Bible maps of the Exodus route.)  But how did Solomon build his navy on a swamp? (see 1 Kings 9:26)  With an east wind the LORD God removed millions, probably billions of locusts into the Rea Sea (see Ex. 10:14, 19), not a shallow swamp.


Scholars’ Bible maps’ omission of the Exodus route through the Red Sea is anti-Semitic.  Why?  Because that unforgettable event marked the nation’s birth (see Is. 66:8), her baptism (see 1 Cor. 10:1-2), as an everlasting, unmistakable, miraculous miracle—performed by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Arm of the Lord, the Angel of the Lord: displaying the King of Israel’s untold power.  That was what the Exodus route through the Red Sea was.  Moreover, since St. Paul tells the Red Sea was Israel’s baptism; how are you going to baptize a whole nation?  Since the scholars’ are influence by Roman Catholicism, I assume they’d have us believe they were sprinkled with a shallow body of swamp water.  WRONG.  Baptism is immersion, and you need a big ole sea to baptism a congregation that size.



[i] See also 'How All Modern Fundamental Scholars Assist the Devil' By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, Bible Believers' Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 10, October, 2009, Page 1.