NIV's corruption of Psalm 136

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine...”

(II Timothy 4:3 KJV)


The NIV has the hell-bound audacity to corrupt one of the greatest Psalms (my personal favorite:) #136.  In the King James Bible the phrase “his mercy endureth for ever” is repeated 26 times in Psalm 136.  This is one of the most comforting Psalms in the Holy Bible.  The smooth repetition of the Holy Ghost strokes the soul with consolation.  Not only is the phrase found 26 times in Psalm 136: it’s a Jewish phrase found 15 more times throughout the Old Testament!  Gentile wretches have no business corrupting Scriptures God gave to Hebrews! (see Rom. 3:2, 9:4; 2 Cor. 2:17)  These wretched slaves of Satan have changed the word “mercy” to “love”.  Is ‘mercy’ the same as ‘love’?  Absolutely not.  Mercy is an act of love, but love is not neccerarily an act of mercy.  Mercy imitates the doctrinal truth that “...scripture hath concluded all under sin...” (Gal. 3:22), and therefore we NEED forgiveness.  Love is great, but if you’re in a situation where you’ve offended God the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost—you’ll need mercy to bring you back into His love.  His love may endure for ever; but you won’t if you don’t obtain His mercy, because you’ve transgressed against Him.  Get the point?  Another thing to say is that “mercy” is much more is line with Psalm 111:10 and Proverbs 1:7, 9:10 than “love”.  Love may ‘sound’ nicer?  But when ‘the heat is on’ mercy will look a lot more sensible than love.  In short, the King James Bible will always give you the vital spiritual resources that are imperative to procuring salvation; Proverbs 25:19 however, describes the Bible perversions: "Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint." (Prov. 25:19)  The King James Bible gives you the words that are applicable to a successful walk with the Living God and Christ; it gives you “...the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:16)  Modern perversions (like the NIV) will lead you astray from the true Christ because their words aren’t relevant to the realties of the true God and Saviour Jesus: they’re just a fantasy land full of satanic death traps. (See ‘The NIV: An “In Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 16 and ‘Final Authority’ by William Grady, page 291.)


Do you know why the NIV changes the word “mercy” to “love”?  Because it’s doctrine.  And ever since Genesis 3:1 Satan has hated doctrine.  “Mercy” implies you’ve offended the Lord’s holy laws; and you need forgiveness.  We need “mercy” because the Pauline Epistles teach: “...the scripture hath concluded all under sin...” (Gal. 3:22).  The word “love” doesn’t address man’s sinfulness at all.  Reading an NIV you might even wonder why you’re living on a fallen, cursed planet, full of death and disease.  “Love” doesn’t address the fact that man has offended his Holy Creator.  “Love” is an attempt of apostate scholars to turn the Judge of Israel into Santa Claus.  God’s love was John 3:16.  On the Cross. (see John 3:14)  God’s only begotten Son died on the Cross to pay for man’s sin.  See there?  The truth is, God’s love is expressed to us through His Son’s death on the Cross—so He could be merciful and forgiving to us.  Again, “love” doesn’t describe these things, it’s ambiguous.  The truth is there is no love with mercy; mercy is a fruit of God’s love.  God’s love doesn’t do you any good if He loves judgment more than mercy.  Because mankind deserves to be judged; but it was mercy that lead God to send His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins.  Mercy relates to the plan of salvation.  Mercy will humble you.  Love will flatter you.  And if you get those two mixed up you’ll never get saved. (see 1 Pet. 5:5)  Oh how much more descriptive “mercy” is than “love”!!!  What a wretch corruption of the word of God!  And this is why these NIV sissies took “perish” out of John 3:15; because that word offended them too.  Why'd it offended them?  Because they were offended by the fact that they are offensive to God.  So offensive He sent His Son to die for us.  Yet they despise His mercy, because the corrupt His Word.  These are the same people who reject Calvary. (cf. Prov. 13:13)  Laodicean Christians HATE anything negative—even if it’s a requirement to be saved (i.e. repentance, humility, accepting the fact that you sins are so odious the Son of God, the King of Glory had to suffer death on a wooden Cross for you.)  How about 1 Peter 3:18?  Does that describe mercy?  Yes.  Do does it describe love?  Yes.  Does it describe a love that doesn’t involve mercy?  No.  You see, the NIV’s corruption of Psalm 136 is not telling the whole truth—it’s a half truth, and half truths are something as deceitful as a complete lie.  Quote, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (Gal. 5:9)  Though “God is love”, He doesn’t love sin, because sin isn’t lovely.  And if you haven’t accepted Calvary, your sins and God’s wrath are on you—not His love.  Quit trying to separate God’s love from the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.  Well let’s look at God’s love in the Old Testament.  Shall we?  Sacrifices.  Blood.  Atonement.  Offerings.  Oblations.  Meditation.  Fire.  Wrath.  Judgment.  Laws.  Get the picture?  Laodiceans are almost completely ignorant about the Old Testament, (most of them have never read it) despite the fact that it foreshadowed what’s true about the Lord Jesus Christ’s New Testament High Priesthood.  These same principals apply to the New Testament; and the Epistle to the Hebrews shows us they were fulfilled at Calvary.  If you don’t have Calvary, then you don’t have the true Lord Jesus Christ.


Obeying and walking in the truth is the most important aspect of Christianity for a Christian. (see Gal. 3:1; 2 John 4; 3 John 4)  Errors and corruptions of the word of God like this are the exact things which lead a man off the right path.  You’ll never understand Calvary if you don’t understand God’s hatred against sin.  This Psalm 136 corruption makes a sinner think that God will love him despite his sins.  Wrong!  Repent or perish. (see Luke 13:3, 5)  Do you love God?  The love test is in John 14:23.  Do you want to know where God’s love and mercy took place?  Calvary—blood, nails, sweat, nakedness, thorns, flesh ripped to ribbons, tears, crying out, pain, agony, mocking, and death.  That’s a past tense LOVED that took place 2,000 years ago.  If you receive the Lord Jesus Christ’s past tense LOVE, then you’ll have His present tense LOVE too.  But it neglect the Cross of Christ, and act like God loves you enough though you haven’t accepted the fact that you need to be forgiven, and you don’t receive Jesus Christ’s atonement at the Cross, and your trusting in an fake/apostate god of love—you’ll be cursed, damned, and HATED in hell forever.  Why?  Because you and were born as children of the devil, and if you’re not regenerated by the Spirit of truth, you’ll die that way.  And to be regenerated by the Spirit of Truth, you have received the Truth the Holy Spirit teaches: the Gospel of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.


Notice what’s also happened here: “endureth” has been changed to “endures”.  So when they change the Elizabethan English, the word of God gets corrupted too.  Don’t touch the 1611 Elizabethan/Jacobean Translation.


Let me remind you these are Jewish/Hebraic Scriptures.  The King James translators translated these Holy Scriptures from the “Original Tongues”—viz. Hebrew Masoretic Text.  I have in my possession a Jewish Passover Haggadah by Maxwell House®: in it Psalm 136 is quoted in its entirety (pages 41-42).  Both the Hebrew and English equivalent are given.  The Hebrew word is ךםח (chesed).  The rabbis translated this word as “mercy”.  This Haggadah reads just like the King James Version, Elizabethan English and all: quote, “for His mercy endureth for ever.”  That’s how the Jewish rabbis understand the Holy Scriptures given to their race. (see Rom. 1:2, 3:2, 9:4)  Given to Jews; not Gentiles.  I respect these rabbinic scholars more than these lukewarm, modern, ecumenical, proud, vainglorious, compromising Gentile/Roman Catholic corrupters of God’s truth on the NIV committee.  Do you know why the word “mercy” is so important to the Jewish church?  Read the Pentateuch.  Read Judges.  Read the 4 Books of the Kings.  You’ll see that mercy (the absence of God’s revenge) is what kept them from being destroyed as a people.  The same is true with us as Christians. (see Mal. 3:6)


I’d like to also briefly comment on Ezra 3:11.  Here we read, “...his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel.”  See that?  Quote, “toward Israel”.  That’s not just some ambiguous phrase: if you’re not an Israelite or graphed into Israel (see Rom. 11:17; Eph. 2:12), it doesn’t matter to you whether or not God’s love or mercy endures forever, because it’s not towards you.  It’s towards Israel.  Not some stupid, neo-pagan, Gentile hypocrite jumping on the bandwagon of the latest contemporary apostate Bible perversion craze.  If you’re dead in your sins (see Eph. 2:1), you’re still dead in your sins. (see Eph. 2:5)  Whether you properly translate the word as “mercy” as the 1611 translators did, or you malignantly mistranslate it as “love” as modern apostates—if you’re unsaved it doesn’t matter, because this is towards to the church; and nobody else, (and especially it’s not towards the enemies of the church who only desire to destroy the English Received Text [KJV 1611] with a corrupt Alexandrian NIV.)  Furthermore, this verse will continue to have nothing to do with you if you continue to support corrupt versions like the NIV, because the NIV is not a preacher’s Bible (see 2 Tim. 4:2).  And you can’t be saved without a preacher. (see Rom. 10:14)


I just checked the RSV and it also use the phrase “stedfast love” instead of the KJV’s “mercy”.


¶ Modern Laodiceans despise the Biblical term “mercy” because it implies negativity concerning mankind. (cf. Romans 3:10, 23)  A much softer, friendlier, worldlier, less offensive term is ‘LOVE’—which the Beatles sang about “All you need is love, love, love...” blah, blah, blah!  Shut your pagan hell hole depraved slave of Satan.  This is a perfect example of A SICK CHURCH THAT DISGUSTS CHRIST (see Revelation 3:14-22) and cannot endure “sound doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:3)!!!!!!


Even the Douay-Rheims Catholic bible of 1582 has more credibility than the modern Evangelical versions.  It has “for his mercy endureth forever” just like the AV!!! (By the way, Psalm 136 is Psalm 135 in the Catholic bibles.)  Here you have Catholic priests from 437 years ago with more scriptural integrity than the filthy trash contemporary bible junkies are pushing out.


The NIV uses ‘love’ and the NRSV uses ‘stedfast love’.  God hates sinners.  He doesn’t love them.  If we are saved it is because He SPECIFICALLY had “MERCY” on us by giving us the Gospel of Christ’s grace; instead of eternal hellfire (which we deserved).  Mercy is a byproduct of God’s love.  Therefore the KJV gives you a deeper revelation into “the mind of Christ” than the NIV and NRSV.  The NIV and NRSV use such basic and general terms that these are bible versions for spiritual babies and saved people that are fools and nuts.


Again, this year I have the latest Maxwell House Haggadah © 2019 The Kraft Heinz Company.  On pages 40-41 Psalm 136 is printed in its entirety in both Hebrew and English.  The repeated phrase comes out in English as “Whose MERCY endures forever.”  Again, we have an OFFICAL Jewish translation of the Scriptures that MATCHES the King James Version.  This is so, so, so important because of Romans 3:2 because these are precious Hebrew Scriptures written and preserved by Jews.  They are the caretakers of the Old Testament Scriptures: and if they have decided on the word “mercy”, then I would say that is a HUGE defense for our Protestant Holy Bible of 1611.