Man of peace, or the "man of sin" (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3 & The Epistle Dedicatory)

[See also 1 John 2:18]


There’s a false “peace” and the King James Bible warns you of it in Daniel 8:25, 11:21, 24—that’s exactly how the Antichrist (the pope) would be.  The NRSV and NIV, (being Vaticanus bibles,) cover the pope’s tracks so you won’t think he’s the Antichrist.  Instead of “peace”, you read in the three passages in AV, it’s “without warning” in the NRSV and “feel secure” in the NIV.  Nice job rejecting the Holy Spirit’s tips on identifying the Antichrist!


See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 22.