Perversion Evaluation

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Part 1:


Your going to make 36,000 changes to the AV of Protestant Reformation and the Textus Receptus versions of the Bible-believing Christians who read and studied the Holy Bible and obey its precepts and took it seriously and preserved it (see Prov. 22:12; Ps. 12:6-7)... take out 17 whole New Testament verses... remove the Lord Jesus Christ’s name and titles scores of times... downgrade Christ’s deity (which is the first fundamental of the Christian faith and religion)... and alter just about every verse in that Bible that contains Bible-believing doctrine(s) or criticizes various sins...


On the basis of a mere 5% minority text that originated from Gnostic (“antichrists” as defined by the Apostle John in 1st & 2nd John) philosophers (Col. 2:8; Acts 17:18) in Northern Africa (Egypt).  Corrupted and perverted texts (see 2 Cor. 2:17; Jer. 23:36) that produced the Dark Ages (the ‘glory’ days of the popes and Catholicism): and were restored by two of the most heretical scholars who have ever existed in church history (Westcott and Hort).  Westcott & Hort (and Pusey & Newman's Oxford Movement) has produced this current tidal wave of apostasy now in the body of Christ here at Laodicea!


In the parable of the sower in Saint Mark and Saint Luke our Lord told us that the devil or Satan “taketh away the word” (Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12).  But you act like Satan wouldn’t be interested in tampering with the instrument the Holy Ghost uses to save and teach the children of God???  The Holy Bible is light (see Ps. 119:105, 130), but you act like the prince of darkness doesn’t care if it shines???  By the grace of God, I’ll follow my mentor, Peter Ruckman, and stand and defend this King James Holy Bible till I’m raptured.


Are you really so stupid to think that Mary-worshipping/wafer-worshipping heretical Baalite priests gave us the true Bible, but the regenerated saints who were willing to be tortured, imprisoned, and die for the Scriptures didn’t have an accurate Bible???  Your new bibles deny that God had blood in Acts 20:28 and deny the blood atonement in Colossians 1:14; but the other hand, the 1611 is that old-time, blood-sprinkled Book.  You Laodiceans act like your Philadelphian forefathers were ignorant and unrighteous—but you, of course, are more advanced, educated, and open-minded! (see Job 34:17)  But I’ll tell you one thing for sure... colonial and early America was MUCH MORE of a godly and righteous nation than modern America!  Modern Americans commit more sins in a day than old Americans did in a whole decade back in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.


Why in the world would you think the Bible has changed when God told you in Malachi 3:6 He doesn’t change? (cf. Heb. 6:17-18) And why would you think the Scriptures COULD be changed when the Lord and Saviour said “the scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35).  You’ve been deluded by followers of Darwin and have made an egregious error of applying it to theology.  You’re also marked by your positive thinking towards sin: just like Lucifer and Eve in the first recorded sins in the Bible (see Is. 14:12-15; Gen. 3:6).


And today, do you think that the NWT of the modern Arians (the Jehovah’s Witnesses) is the right bible?  While, the Authorized Version commissioned by “Great Britain’s Solomon” (King James I), which made England and America two of the greatest nations on the face of the earth; and saved more men, women, and children than any other translation in church history (see Prov. 14:5, 25); and has gone into more than one billion copies... IS WRONG???  You idiot, the KJV doesn’t have a copyright on it and it is the only “AUTHORIZED” Bible you can find on this planet.  Read Mark 1 and Luke 4—The King of the Jews, the Lord Jesus Christ spoke with “authority” and “power”—that comes from Ecc. 8:4 and Prov. 16:10—from a KING JAMES AUTHORIZED VERSION.


I’m telling you the AV of 1611 is the complete truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.  This Book is supernatural in its vision, wisdom, doctrines, and prophecies.  It is the pure word of God (see Prov. 30:5; Ps. 119:140): and to tamper with it puts you in grave danger and aligns you with the adversary and his objectives (see Rev. 22:18-19).


Part 2:


Those depleted, curtailed, depraved, antichrist, anti-doctrinal [you won’t even find the word “doctrine” in the new versions], falsified readings didn’t appear until the 4th century.  And when they showed up, they came out of Egypt (cf. Jer. 11:4, 44:26) in a bible with Greek Old Testament (the mythological Septuagint or LXX) with the Apocrypha attached to the canon.  Then it was translated into Jerome’s Latin Vulgate in 405 A.D., which produced the Dark Ages and the Roman Catholic Church.  From that point Rome and her popes began inquisitions against Bible-believing groups (called ‘heretics’) who were true to the true Holy Bible (the Received Text).  This continued all the way through the Protestant Reformation; but alas!  The Bible-believers prevailed when Elizabeth I and James I of England commissioned their holy Bible Translations in the end-time universal language of English.  Today the battle still rages.  And today, a true Bible-believing Protestant will earnestly contend (see Jude 3) for the Holy Bible of his Protestant forefathers (see Prov. 22:28).  And reject the Roman perversions!

¶ A basic study of the history of the Bible will tell you that there are essentially two streams of Biblical texts: (1) the Minority text (2) the Majority Text.  The Minority text is called the minority because it has only 5% of the manuscript witnesses.  The Majority far outweighs it with 95% of exant manuscript witnesses.  Yet, modern ecumenical scholars delight in the 5%: which has the standard bearers being Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman called these manuscripts: “two of the most corrupt pieces of heterodox literature known to man” (‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 416).  That’s the popes’ manuscript from the Vatican library.  And the other was found in a wastebasket in a monastery.  On that crummy evidence, scholars have produced 200 depraved English versions in an attempt to get rid of the AV of the Protestant Reformation!  And let me say this, these scholars are far from being real Christians; most of them are apostate spiritualists who have never witnessed to anyone, much less led someone to Christ!  They don’t even have clear salvation testimonies.  Westcott and Hort, who blew the starting gun for Laodicea, were two of the most pathetic and heretical professing Christians the world has ever known.  But back to these manuscript sets: the minority text is also called the ‘Alexandrian’ or ‘Egyptian’ type.  That is because it came from the place of the world’s first bible-corrupting philosopher (see Col. 2:8): Origen in Alexandria, Egypt.  Anyone who has read their Bible through a few times knows that Egypt or “the land of Ham” (Psalms 105:23, 27, 106:22) is about the last place where the Holy Spirit would chose to give us God’s word.  On the other hand, the Majority text comes from Antioch, Syria where Apostle Paul established the first home base for first century Christianity.  And the disciples where first called Christians there (see Acts 11:26).  The word of God and the gospel of Christ spread like wildfire from that place, through an accurate presentation of the Gospel.  In his booklet ‘Fighting Back’, James L. Melton (pages 9-11) did an excellent job of comparing these two locations.  And I think you’d better take a good look yourself and pick one prayerfully because your soul and the souls of those you reach will be hanging on it.  In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen & Amen.


A philosophy professor once said that Jesus carried around one of these big Greek LXX bibles with the apocrypha with Him during His ministry!  Hahahahahahahaha!  Yeah, that’s some Disneyworld Mickey Mouse bible history if you’ve ever heard it!  If it was, then why did Jesus Christ say He came to minister to Israel only (see Matt. 10:5-6, 15:24; Rom. 15:8)?  And why did He call the scriptures by the Hebrew characters “jot” and “tittle” (see Matt. 5:18)?  And why did He give the JEWISH layout of the HEBREW canon in Luke 24:44?  And why didn’t the Lord or any of the apostles quote the apocrypha just ONCE in the entire New Testament?  Now let me ask you a question, Mr. Alexandrian cult member: in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, was the Lord Jesus Christ called “The King of the Jews” (Matt. 2:2, 27:37) or ‘The King of the Greeks’?  I rest my case.


Jesus Christ was a thoroughbred Judean Jew from the Davidic tribe of Judah (see Hebrews 7:14; Rev. 5:5).  And He ministered to the Israelites (or the circumcision) [see Rom. 15:8] as the “King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2) and presented them with a genuine offer to receive the promised Jewish Kingdom of the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptural prophecies (see Matt. 4:17).  He spoke in the Hebrew language (see Acts 26:14).  To suggest that the official Bible for His ministry was a Greek LXX with the Apocrypha (which He excluded in Luke 24:44) is simply ludicrous.  And if someone suggests that, they are either ignorant of Biblical facts, anti-Semitic, or ecumenical: maybe all three.  If Jesus had come to the Israelites speaking Greek from a Greek Old Testament and claiming to be the Jewish Messiah: they would have thought he was trying to be funny!


Friends, you have two Bibles: (1) A satanic bible of dead orthodoxy and apostasy, or (2) A Christological Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek that the HOLY SPIRIT authorized through salvations and revivals.  Take your pick brother!  By the way, the real Bible is a ‘blood-sprinkled Book’ (see Bro. Nic Kizziah’s article) and has the “blood” in it in Colossians 1:14!


The Holy Bible is the word of GOD (not men) [see 1 Thess. 2:13] and is by definition of the Scriptures themselves “holy”, “purified”, “very pure”, “right”, “perfect”, and even magnified above all of God’s name. (see Ps. 12:6-7, 18:30, 19:7, 33:4, 119:140, 138:2; Rom. 1:2; James 1:25).  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


Consider the phrase “the holy scriptures” from Romans 1:2 and 2 Timothy 3:15.  And ask yourself; is there a copy of these “HOLY” scriptures anywhere on earth???  Would it be in obscure languages of the originals (Hebrew and Greek)?  Or in the universal end-time language of English?  Would those scriptures come from a time of revival (Philadelphia) or a time of apostasy (Laodicea)?  Would it come from Protestants or Catholics?  Would it come from martyrs or persecutors?  Would it come from soul-winners or heretics?  Would it be orthodox or heterodox?


Salvation, eternal life, the new birth, hundreds of precious promises to the believer, and instruction on what is right/wrong and good/evil are all contained in the word of God.  Friends that is something to stand and contend for!  Plus you have all the power and capabilities of the Scriptures: one for example is that the universe was created by the word of God (see Heb. 11:3) and held together by it (see Heb. 1:3).


Part 3:


"...The word of my lord the king shall now be comfortable: for as an angel of God, so is my lord the king to discern good and bad: therefore the LORD thy God will be with thee."

(2 Samuel 14:17)


"...and my lord is wise, according to the wisdom of an angel of God, to know all things that are in the earth."

(2 Samuel 14:20)


It is true that our New Testament was written in Japheth’s Greek language.  And it is true that in this dispensation the Gospel goes preferentially to the Greeks because of Israel’s unbelief.  And it is true that the Apostle to the Gentiles (Paul) wrote more than half of the New Testament.  But even with these factors in favor of the Gentiles: both Testaments still comprise is a very Jewish Book from cover to cover.  Alexandrians pretend like it isn’t, but that’s the truth.  Look at this comment by Bro. Ruckman, “If the Bible shows any favoritism to the Jewish race, above others, then men will jolly well take the old Jewish Bible—(every writer in it is a Jew)—and revise it until it is an Italian Catholic Bible.” (‘The Sure Word of Prophecy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 68).  But even in Catholics and ecumenists favorite Gospel: Matthew, (which they use to support as evidence that the kingdom of heaven is in Rome and their ‘king’ sits on Peter’s chair), the Holy Spirit will not let you forget that the Jewish people are God’s chosen people.  For example: Christ is called “The King of the JEWS” twice in the Gospel, Christ talks about Hebrew characters in the Old Testament Scriptures in the sermon of the mount, he defines the Jewish canon as from Genesis to II Chronicles, all of his 12 disciples were Jewish men, he focuses his ministry primarily on Israel and Israelites.  On top of all that, Jesus Christ made not one mention of an LXX neither quoted from the Apocrypha, no NOT ONCE.  Come to think of it, though the New Testament was written for Gentiles, it still has three very Jewish Books: Matthew, Hebrews, and James.


A Christian brother made the comment that Catholic traditions had been creeping back into the Protestant churches the last 100 years.  And I completely agree with him on this subject—because that’s what’s been happening.  And it has also coincided with the modern Bible perversion movement.  From Ruckman’s book, ‘A Sure Word of Prophecy’ (pages 252-253), he lists twenty points of Protestants being lured back to the Whore at Rome—and many of them can be applied to local Protestant churches.


When there is a discrepancy between a reading from a Majority text Bible and a Minority text bible: you have to choose one as right and one as wrong. (If there is any written authority that is God’s truth.  And there is.)  When this happens, I go with the Majority Text.  And this is why: The minority text’s credibility is shot.  And it is shot for a host of reasons: reasons that Bible-believers have written volumes and volumes about.  But here are just a few... (1) The minority text comes from the Dark Continent (“the land of Ham” [Ps. 105:23, 27, 106:22]) and knowing the history of the Bible, it is about the last place the Holy Spirit would give us His word from. (2) The Vaticanus (B) and Sinaiticus (Aleph) contain the Apocrypha as part of the inspired canon.  Aleph actually has New Testament apocrypha.  And Vaticanus cuts off Hebrews at Heb. 9:14 and completely omits the entire Book of Revelation. (3) The minority text is constantly attacking the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (e.g. Is. 7:14; Dan. 3:25, 7:13; Mic. 5:2; John 9:35; Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 3:16; Rev. 1:6) (which is the 1st fundamental of the Christian faith); and denying all sound Biblical doctrines every chance it can get.  In the modern bibles, in 1 John 4:3, it is obvious to see by their omissions in this verse: that they are heavily influenced by the Antichrist—in the very verse detects the antichrist spirit!  The same thing goes with 1 Timothy 3:16.  By the way they corrupted 1 Tim. 3:16: it proves they are antichrist according to definition Apostle John gave us in 1 John 4:1-3.  The Satanic Roman Catholic reading of Ephesians 3:9 denies Jesus Christ’s role in creation!  The RSV and NRSV deny the 2nd fundamental of the faith (The virgin birth) in their dark renderings of Isaiah 7:14 and Luke 2:33.  Your new Bibles deny the 3rd fundamental of the faith (the vicarious atonement of Christ) in 1 Corinthians 1:18, 5:7.  They take out the commandment to “Study” (KJV) the Bible in 2 Tim. 2:15.  They deny the 5th fundamental (the Second Coming of Jesus Christ) by changing “kingdoms” to ‘kingdom’ in Revelation 11:15.  (4) The NIV which is based on the Alexandrian text type deifies the devil in Isaiah 14:12 by calling him the ‘morning star’ of Revelation 22:16!  Blasphemy!  (5) King James’ translators (1604-1611) did have access to the Alexandrian readings via Jerome’s Latin Vulgate and the Jesuit Douay-Rheims of 1582: but the Holy Spirit filled them with plenty of wisdom to reject it.  (6) B and Aleph disagree among themselves over 3,000 times alone in the Gospels! (cf. Matt. 26:60; Mark 14:56)  (7) The latest modern Alexandrian bibles have introduced such nonsense translation methods as dynamic equivalence, paraphrases, footnoting, bracketing, and gender-inclusively. (7) The TR readings pre-date the Alexandrian manuscripts by almost two centuries.  The Alexandrian manuscripts date to the 4th century; but there are Majority (Byzantine) versions that date to the 2nd century—versions like the Latin (Itala) [157 A.D.], the Gallic [177 A.D.], and the Syrian Peshitta [150 A.D.].  (8)  Apostle Paul said in Romans 3:2 that the oracles of God were committed to the Jews.  Yet, the Roman Catholic (who is the standard bearer for the Egyptian type text and claims to have the true Bible): has always persecuted Jews and been anti-Semitic.  Replacement theology comes from Rome.  Their Old Testament canon is at odds with the Hebrew canon of Jesus Christ (see Luke 11:51, 24:44), and the orthodox Jews for the last 2,500 years, and the Protestant Bible.  At the council of Trent the Catholic Church put an anathema curse upon Jews, Bible-believers, and Jesus Christ Himself because we don’t accept the deuterocanonical books as canonical.  (9) Roman Catholic bibles and ecumenical Protestant bibles are of the same manuscript family as the heretical Jehovah’s Witnesses!  All three groups threw out 17 entire New Testament verses!  (10) Rome is the great harlot of Revelation 17 & 18 and she has the blood of the Christian martyrs on her hands from centuries of Inquisitions and bloodlust.  Do you really think such a devilish and hellish organization would want you to have “the HOLY scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15) which exposes her and her heresies from Genesis to Revelation?  (11) Look at the ‘founding fathers’ of the Laodicean bibles movement: Westcott and Hort.  If those two men are enough to make you want to gag then you’ve never understood Proverbs 8:13 and Romans 12:9.  These two men were occult spiritualists who formed ‘The Ghostly Guild’ and practiced necromancy (cf. Deut. 18:11).  Hort said the Textus Receptus of Martin Luther and William Tyndale was “vile”. (12) The “proofs” of the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection aren’t “infallible” (Acts 1:3 KJV) in the Catholic and modern versions. ¶ When God Almighty, the Faithful & True Witness Jesus Christ (see Rev. 3:14; Prov. 14:5, 25), and the Blessed Holy Ghost advanced the evangelistic efforts of the Gospel of Christ from the 1600’s to the 1900’s: why did the Holy Spirit spread the Gospel with the King James Bible of 1611 instead of the Douay-Rheims Jesuit Version of 1582?  That’s something to think about.  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, who probably knew and read more about church history more than any Christian in the 20th century said, ‘By their fruits ye shall know them. The greatest missionary and evangelistic period of church history the world has ever seen was between 1600 and 1900. And that’s the Book they used. By their fruits ye shall know them.’ (‘A Survey of the Authorized Version’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 22.)  And I repeat this time period was the time period of the Holy Book Philpot called, “The grant bulwark of PROTESTANTISM” (‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 215.)  The Roman Catholic church got into the English Bible translation process a little ‘late in the game’ with the Rheims version.  At that point the Whore was still reeling from massive blows from Protestant reformers, so she used the old ‘can’t beat them, join them’ philosophy with regards to translating the Bible.  This 1582 Catholic English bible was nearly two centuries after Wycliffe began his translation; and about a half a century after Tyndale began his monumental translation work.  And both of these men were unmercifully persecuted by Rome—after Wycliffe was dead the pope had his remains exhumed and then burnt.  Tyndale was strangled and burnt at the stake by the Hellish Mother Church.  At Rome’s counter-reformation council, the Council of Trent (1545-1563), the Dutch scholar Erasmus and his works were condemned; and his books were put on the forbidden list.  Thus, no Catholic is permitted to read Erasmus’ Greek Textus Receptus of 1516, or any vernacular translation based upon it.  By the way, Erasmus was at odds with Rome to begin with, because his Greek Text was the pure and preserved Text of the Apostles.  He had rejected the corrupt Vaticanus readings which had infected Rome’s perverted Latin Vulgate prepared by the scholar Jerome in 405 Anno Domini.


Nobody in their right mind, with the least bit of spiritual discernment, and knowledge of church history: could say the Protestant Reformation in England was not a God-ordained Biblical revival of Gospel truth and Spiritual holiness.  The Laodicean scholars know this, and they know the average English-speaking Christian knows this: so in order to not remove their sheepskins cover, they claim their translations come from the Tyndale-King James Version tradition.  The following quote comes from the New Oxford Annotated Study Bible with the Apocrypha Revised Standard Version, on page 1556, and I quote, “...the Revised Standard Version stands in the Tyndale-King James Version tradition”.  THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF LIES!!! NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!  The King James Bible Translation was “Appointed to be read in Churches” by the Church of England.  Neither the RSV of 1952 nor the Douay-Rheims of 1582 would have ever, even in a cold day in hell, have been an “Appointed” by the Church of England during the Protestant Reformation.  The influential bishops and ministers in England at that time knew about the corruptions in the Roman Catholic bibles; and they were not about to let those perverted and curtailed readings creep back into their Holy Bible and infect it.  RSV stands directly in the papist tradition of heresy, heterodoxy, superstition, and persecution.  The RSV is based on the Vaticanus manuscript and the KJV is based on the Textus Receptus manuscript.  Those two Greek texts are in almost complete opposition to one another; and they come from two completely different families of manuscripts; and they represent standards for two different brands of Christianity—viz. Catholicism and Protestantism.  The Laodicean scholars have simply lied to you by saying the AV 1611 has defects or is inadequate: and therefore it needs to be revised.  Then when they “revised” it, they did a magicians act on you and swapped your Protestant Bible for a Dark Ages Vulgate of Jerome.  And some of the modern trashy versions that have come out are worse than Jerome’s Vulgate and the Jesuit Rheims of 1582. ¶  Because the Authorized Version was commissioned by a monarch with a Jewish name, it is the only “copy” of the holy Scriptures that meets the requirements for a Bible which Moses set forth in Deut. 17:14-20. ¶ The timing of the 1611 Translation was also fitting because it was completed during the height of Protestantism in England at the Reformation: which also made it ready just in time for the colonization of the New World.  And King James I of England just happens to be the founding monarch of America.  Jamestown of 1607 was the first permanent settlement in America and it was named after him.  And he is addressed as the “Dread Sovereign Lord” in America’s first governing document: the Mayflower Compact of 1620.


When Christ was dealing with the apostates of his day: (namely the Pharisees, scribes, elders, and chief priests,) He said they had “taken away the key of knowledge” (Luke 11:52).  The word of God is the key to knowledge: and the religious leaders of his day suppressed the true teachings of the Bible with bogus traditions instead (see Matt. 15 & Mark 7).  Today the Roman Catholics and modern scholars have done the same thing.  The Son of God warned us about the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducess” (Matt. 16:11-12).  Leaven is a picture of sin and false doctrine. (see Matt. 13:33; 1 Cor. 5:6-8)  They’ve covered up the real Holy Bible (AV) with a bunch of false versions that hinder salvations and plain gospel preaching.  They also hinder Christians’ growth (see 1 Pet. 2:2) because they don’t teach “doctrine” or help them believe in an infallible written final authority.  These same religious leaders, all through the Gospels and Acts, held one “council” after another to try to stop the Holy Spirit’s movements.  Catholics have done the same thing all throughout the church history; especially the counter-Reformation council of Trent: and then the council of ecumenicism of Vatican II.


The Bible is called “the word of faith” (Rom. 10:8).  And then we read in the same chapter, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17)  Now let me ask you a question: Which Bible builds more faith (1) A plain-text King James Bible without footnotes, marginal notes, or study notes or (2) A NRSV with footnotes on every page saying “Other ancient authorities read” and “Other ancient authorities lack”?  The NRSV sounds more like Genesis 3:1 than Romans 10:8 to me! (See ‘Let’s Weight the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, pages 15-16.)  If you read the prefatory letters to the Authorized Version (the Epistle Dedicatory and the Translators to the Reader), you will see the King James translators had full faith they were translating the true holy scriptures into the English language.  They didn’t doubt whether or not they had the scriptures: they knew they had the scriptures God had preserved (see Ps. 12:6-7).  That is the same faith Christ, Paul, Philip, Apollos, Peter, and James had about the preservation and inspiration of the Scriptures.  Why don’t you follow them instead of some ‘nutty professor’ (see Rom. 1:22) who is chockfull of unbelief, criticism, bias, hate, and science/paganism? (1 Tim. 6:20; Rom. 1:18-32)


Part 4:

A study on Romans Chapter 3


“What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man) God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world? For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.” (Romans 3:1-8 KJV)


In these verses of Scriptures, the Holy Ghost (through Apostle Paul) tells us the main blessing the Jews had was the oral tradition they received from God; or the word of God or the written word of God or the Scriptures or the Bible.  And that was true then and still is true today.  The greatest blessing any man or woman can have in this life is to have a reliable copy of the Holy Bible in his or her own native language.  Today that oral tradition of what Paul called earlier in the Book of Romans “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2) has been passed down to us through church history at the Protestant Reformation.  As English-speaking Christian Bible-believers, we believe (and know) those pure Scriptures are found in the Authorized Version of 1611.  The pure Old Testament text was the Hebrew of the Masoretic text and the pure New Testament text of the Greek of the Textus Receptus.  These were the two holy and correct Texts utilized in the translation of the King James Bible.  But many cavilers don’t believe the statements I just made: ‘So what?’  Paul says, “shall their unbelief [or ignorance] make the faith of God without effect?”  Of course it won’t!  That’s why he answers himself with “GOD FORBID”.  He then follows that remark with a very important statement that will only be found in a Book that is written by God “YEA, LET GOD BE TRUE, BUT EVERY MAN A LIAR”!  Ouch!  Truth hurts buddy!  All of the false religious teachers are LIARS.  All of the false prophets are LIARS.  All of the Catholic priests are LIARS.  All of the church fathers are LIARS.  And especially all of the Alexandrian scholars are LIARS!  And the so-called ‘Holy Bibles’ they created are LIES and IMITATIONS.  There is only one true Bible, because there is only one true God; and He only wrote one Book.  So how does the Holy Spirit silence all of His opponents?  With the very Scriptures they attempt to subvert.  The Spirit of God goes directly to Psalm 51 and states that God’s saying are ‘just’ or “justified”.  And that He overcomes His critics when they judge Him.  So who would dare judge God?  People do it all the time when they try to ‘correct’ the King James Bible.  They think they are smarter than the Holy Bible and the Author of the Holy Bible.  They “hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18) and dare suppose they know good and evil like their mother Eve (see Genesis 3:5).  So there’s the attack: it began in Gen. 3:1: “Yea, hath God said?”  Today the attack is perpetuated by scientists, the liberal media, and religious conmen.  But how does God “overcome” all of these satanic hordes?  With Scriptures of truth like Paul just wrote “yea, let God be true, but every man a liar”.  These kinds of passages are what I call ‘KJV defense passages’ or ‘internal evidence passages’.  These are scriptures within the Bible that either support or defend its intrinsic divine nature (see 2 Tim. 3:16).  When men judge the word of God, it turns out that they are the ones that end up entering on God’s spiritual judgment seat!  This happens immediately and instantaneously; and at any place and in any time.  But there will also be an ultimate judgment—and Psalm 96:13 tells you God will perform that judgment according to His Word, after all “thy word if truth” (John 17:17).