"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (Rev. 13:18 KJV)

Please notice that it states that this number 666 is not the actual ‘mark’ of this beastly one world system. Instead, it is the actual ‘number of a man’! Who is this man and how do we find out? In the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, and the seventh chapter of Daniel, this man was to come from the little horn (symbolic of religion) and he would be the main voice and power coming out of it.

If the Catholic Church, the largest religion in the world, is a willing participant in the creation of the New World Order, then naturally the Pope, who is the head of the Church, fulfills this prophecy of who the man is. But this still leaves the question of how we associate him with the number 666?

Revelation 13:17 is the clue. It states that the number is from his name. In doing some research, we find that this was pointed out as far back as 1612 in a book called ‘Roman Antichrist’ by Andreas Helwig. Helwig explains that the Pope’s title, VICARIUS FILII DEI, appears on the Pope’s crown and means literally, ‘God himself in the flesh’.

Unlike the Hebrews and Greeks, the Romans did not use all the letters of their alphabet as numbers. They used only seven letters as numbers. M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V(or U)=5 and I=1. When we examine the Pope’s title – Vicarius Filii Dei – we find we have the following:

V = 5

I = 1

C = 100

A = 0

R = 0

I = 1

U = 5

S = 0

Total: 112

F = 0

I = 1

L = 50

I = 1

I = 1

Total: 53

D = 500

E = 0

I = 1

Total: 501

Numeric values for each letter totaled together for each word:

112 + 53 + 501 = 666

‘The Number of the Beast’ is ‘The Number of the Man’ – The Pope!