The Wisdom of Proverbs Chapter 9

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


If you have a traditional printing of the King James Bible, like an Oxford Longprimer or a Cambridge Concord, then the first word in every Chapter in the Bible is enlarged and capitalized.  Well, there’s a unique teaching point the Holy Spirit makes with this format in Proverbs Chapter 9.  The first word of that chapter is “WISDOM”.  Therefore, this could be a clue to what “wisdom” might be—and there is.  The solution is found in the very last word of this chapter (Prov. 9)—and it is “hell”.  Therefore I conclude that the word of God is teaching us that true wisdom is belief is a literal burning HELL!  After all, later in the book of Proverbs we read: “The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from HELL beneath.” (Proverbs 15:24)