Rose Vestments
By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford
¶ I’m a Protestant; but I recognize that Protestantism was a biblical movement that came out of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. With that said, I occasionally throw a bouquet towards the ‘mother’ church. I personally believe that Pope Benedict XVI was the one of the greatest popes the Catholic Church has ever had. He was a man of genuine Christian faith and a staunch conservative—so much so that it is possible he was forced out of office by liberal forces within the RCC. ¶ Here is a picture of Pope Benedict XVI in rose (pink) "vestments" (II Kings 10:22). Pink is my favorite colour. It reminds me of my pastel pink and gold foil economy New Testament Psalms & Proverbs (KJV) by National Publishing Company © 1968 [ISBN 9780834004542].