Scepter spelling

By Biblicist Jacob R. Blandford


When the Holy Spirit speaks of Christ’s Kingly authority in Psalm 45 and Hebrews 1, the Spirit of God says Jesus Christ sways a “right scepter” or “scepter of righteousness”.  But I just gave you the modern spelling of the word “scepter”.  The AV 1611 has it spelled “sceptre”.  And according to my Webster Merriam Collegiate Dictionary that is the Middle English spelling.  And that makes sense, because when the AV was translated, we were a lot closer to Middle English at that time.  However, notice the word “right” right beside the word.  That seems to indicate to me that the Holy Ghost is saying the AV spelling, (though archaic) is correct or “right”.  After all, “the word of the LORD is RIGHT” (Ps. 33:4).  My point is that this is an example where it seems to appear that the Holy Spirit favors the older spellings for our King James Bibles.  I believe we should retain the archaic words AND spellings.  God is unique; and so is the word of God.  The greatest defense of archaic techniques can be word in 1 Samuel 9:9.  There the Holy Ghost uses the word “seer” and tells you that was the old terminology for a “prophet”.  But then in the proceeding verses, the Holy Ghost DOES NOT update the language, because He uses the term “seer” again.


Not surprisingly, the RSV, NRSV, ESV, and NIV all have the modern spelling; UNLIKE the 1611.  There is a Roman Catholic publisher of the RSV New Testament in New York by the name of Scepter Publishers.