Do you trust the scholars or the Bible?

By Biblicist Jacob R. Blandford


Why would you trust the scholars?  One of Christ’s biggest enemies in his earthly life was the scribes.  The scholars have knowledge of the scriptures, but it doesn’t work effectually in them.  According to 1 Thess. 2:13 the requirement to have the word work effectually in you is to believe it!  You have to believe the word is not the word of man, but the word of God. (cf. 1 Cor. 2:13)


They don’t believe any man can get his hands on the word of God.  They believe the word was inspired in the originals, but not in the Protestant Bible Translation, and they want you to think that too.  Why?  So you’ll look to them for interpretation, so they can be your ‘god’.  According to them, only they can rescue the true text.  They are so weak hearted that they have to have the praise of man, so they want you to admire them.  Their ‘true text’ comes out to look like a Roman Catholic dark age bible or the sleazy and sloppy NIV.


Why in the world would for want the RCC’s interpretation of the Bible?  They’ve never been right with the word of God since their church began in the 4th century (Edict of Milan [313 A.D.] and the Council of Nicaea [325 A.D.]).  Notice: Catholicism didn’t become a religion until the persecution was over with.  The Bible-believing Christians bore the brunt of persecution for nearly 300 years before the Roman Empire had a ‘church’.  Those early believers adhered to the TRUE apostolic faith (Jude 3) of the Received Text New Testament.  That was 200 years before Catholicism; or the Alexandrian type text viz. Vaticanus.


Alexandrian scholars have had over 200 attempts since 1881 and 1901 to produce a definitive English version and they have utterly failed!  All they have produced is more and more confusion (1 Cor. 14:33).  Yet the King James Version is still that Authorized Version that is still King after 410 (as of 2021 A.D. and for eternity [see Ps. 119:89, 111, 152, 160])!  The King of the bible translations!  The modern versions are unauthorized.