Silver Dust

By Biblicist Jacob R. Blandford


"The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver."

PSALM 119:72


This is an amazing miracle that happened at few times in 2008 Anno Domini.  When I was working at Kroger I would go on breaks and sit in the Starbucks coffee house.  I would clean out my pockets and put my stuff on the coffee table, and then I’d sit down on the leather couch and would pray to Jesus and read my Gideons KJV Pocket Bible.


Several times when I when I was reading my Gideons Pocket Bible the letters of the words in the Scripture passages would glitter, sparkle, and gleam.  This was an amazing miracle, because I would look very closely at these letters and sure enough they were glimmering with small glitters.  Also these glitters were only on the letters themselves, and not on the white areas of the pages (just on the black lettering).  I’ve heard about some of the saints saying they’ve seen gold dust on their Bible or in other places, and this has been my experience with this.  But these glitters were silver, not gold.  I’ve tried to reproduce this miracle under other lights but it hasn’t worked.  This was a special miracle Jesus blessed me with because He’s holy and loving, and by His grace He’s given me a love for His Word.  Glory to the Father, by the power of the Holy Ghost I pray in Jesus Christ’s Name, Amen and Amen.