Snake handling in church

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford

The Lord’s Day, 2/24/2019 Anno Domini




My name is Jacob “Jake” Blandford.  Some people call me ‘Jake the snake’.  After Sunday school today I sat with Rev. Rudy Potter and showed him my light blue faux snakeskin 1611/1968 Gideons New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs (Authorized Version).  He asked me what the significance of the snakeskin was?  I told him about Matthew 10:16.  Then in the sermon, Pastor Michael Edwards began talking about those who take Mark 16:18 literally.  There are a few isolated churches that do ‘snake-handling’ in their services.  I don’t agree with snake-handling because of what the Lord Jesus Christ said to Satan the Serpent in Matthew 4:7 and Luke 4:12.  Also, there is Apostle Paul’s experience in Acts 28:3.


But this faux snakeskin New Testament is my way of associating myself with literalists, fundamentalists, and believers in the King James Bible (which retains Saint Mark’s long/inspired ending).  These Baptists are more my kin; rather than the Laodicean ecumenists: who have forsaken the Philadelphian Bible (see Prov. 22:28, 23:10) and the doctrines of biblical Protestantism (see 2 Tim. 4:3).


Also, if you knew your Bible you’d know that serpents and dragons are a TYPE of devils or demons (see Luke 10:19; Mal. 1:3; Rev. 12:9, 20:2).  These are unclean spirits: not physical creatures. (see Eph. 6:12)


I ‘handle’ (cf. 2 Cor. 4:2; 1 John 1:1) snakes by quoting the word of God to them like my Saviour did in Matthew 4 and Luke 4!  In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.  Sometimes I do it with a Gideons faux snakeskin New Testament in my hand, Amen!


Also, on top of all this, the Lord reminded me that last month during Ashley Edwards’ children’s sermon, she showed a picture of a snake on the three screens in our sanctuary.  She showed the picture of the snake because she told the story of how the snake sheds his skin, and then gets fresh skin.  This is like becoming a new creature in Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:17).


Also, here's another thing.  I have this Gideons faux snakeskin New Testament in two different Bible versions: the KJV (1611) and the NKJV (1982). (They look identical on the outside; but on the inside: one came from Christ and the other from Satan.) What's the significance of that? Well, that's Moses and Aaron's rod (Gideons/National Publishing Company 1968) and Jannes and Jambres’ rod (Gideons/Thomas Nelson 1985) which became snakes in Exodus Chapters 4 & 7.  But the prophet's holy rod (The KJV) swallowed up the magician's occultic rod (The NKJV). See 2 Timothy 3:8.


Do you want to see where the AV swallows up the 1982? Read Romans 1:18, 25. And look at my Bible comparisons of the NKJV in my 'Modern perversions rundown' document. In Jesus Christ's holy name, Amen.  I have 11 copies of the NKJV 1985 and 16 copies of the AKJV 1968.