The Golden Philadelphian Christian State Quarter

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


Gold is a picture of divinity.  Gold is tried in fire. (see 1 Pet. 1:7)  This Virginia state quarter was released in A.D. 2000.  I call this a Philadelphian Christian quarter because it features three Christian rulers from the Philadelphian church period (see Rev. 3:7-13).  The Philadelphian church stage was from about 1500-1900 Anno Domini.  This is the history of the church stage that KEPT God’s word.  The first ruler from the quarter was Queen Elizabeth I of England.  She was wonderful person and a strong Protestant Christian.  During her reign (1558-1603 A.D.) the Christian faith flourished and Bible-believers were given religious liberty.  She was a breath of fresh air after an intolerant Roman Catholic rule clouded over England.  Queen Elizabeth loved the word of God and commissioned a Textus Receptus translation of the Holy Bible called the Bishop’s Bible (1568).  She is called the Virgin Queen, and the land in the New World was named after her and thus called ‘Virginia’.  The next ruler on the quarter is King James I of England.  He reigned in England from 1603-1625 Anno Domini.  James was a zealous evangelical and a powerful king.  He commissioned our beloved Translation known as the 1611 or Authorized King James Bible.  The translation was based on the original tongues (Hebrew & Greek) and compared with William Tyndale’s Bible and Queen Elizabeth’s Bishop’s Bible.  Queen Elizabeth is positively remembered in the Epistle Dedicatory of the King James Bible as “that bright Occidental Star”.  King James not only produced the world’s greatest Bible in the end-time universal language of English, but also is the founding monarch of the greatest Christian nation—The United States of America.  This quarter commemorates the settlement named after King James: Jamestown in 1607.  On three ships 144 men traveled the Atlantic Ocean to discover the site.  The small English settlement in Virginia marked the beginning of a new phrase in both church and secular history.  On the front of the quarter we see the motto “In God We Trust” and we have an image of the third and final Christian ruler on this quarter: the founding father of our nation and the first President George Washington.  Washington was in office as President from 1789-1797.  Washington’s exploits are well recorded in history books, but he was also a man of deep Christian faith and a profound defender of religion and religious rights.  His prayers and speeches that have been preserved are saturated with Scriptural truths.  ¶ I recommend a neat book by Wallbuilders titled "The Bulletproof George Washington" by David Barton ISBN 9781932225006. ¶ George Washington (1732-1799) was the 1st President of the United States.  At his Inauguration service on Thursday, April 30th, 1789, Washington to took an oath on a King James Holy Bible dated 1767.  The Bible was opened at Genesis Chapter 49.  The Masons are still to this day the custodians of that inauguration Bible.  That Bible included the Apocrypha and other historical and astronomical data. ¶ "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness." -George Washington, Farewell Address 1796


Again, the reigns and terms of these 3 Christian rulers were in what is known as the Philadelphian church time period.  The King James Bible was the bedrock of that period (see Ps. 11:3, 12:6-7).  Let’s not forget the ancient landmark (see Prov. 22:28, 23:10) of that time which made us free and made us great—the 1611 Holy Bible.