WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants)


The White Bible (KJV)

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford



Today I finished reading the Holy Bible in the Book of Revelation.  I was reading from my National Publishing Company New Testament Psalms & Proverbs Authorized King James Version: ISBN 9780834004535.  The colour of this New Testament is white.  It is a white Holy Bible or New Testament (King James Version).  In the Bible, white stands for purity, godliness, and cleanliness.  When I was reading Revelation today I noticed the word “white” in the Scriptural text.  In Revelation there is a “white stone”, “white horse”, “white raiment”, “white robes”, “white cloud”, “white linen”, and “white throne”.  These phrases are similar in character length to “WHITE BIBLE”.  And that white Bible is what I was reading these things from!

¶ I’m a white or cauasian man of Northern European descent (specifically English [or Anglo-Saxon])—and England (the United Kingdom) is where the AV 1611 was translated. After the Protestant Reformation, the Bible became so widespread among the English-speaking people that the white English & American Christians became to be known as WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants).  Also known as the Teutonic or Germanic people. The Poet says “My beloved is white…” (Song of Solomon 5:10 AV). [Note: that phrase has been butchered in the modern ecumenical versions.]  The King James Bible was the main thrust of "Japheth's Enlargement" (Genesis 9:27).  America was founded by Bible-believing Protestants, and we have been the main spiritual force here since 1620.  Today we are still the "salt & light" (Matthew 5:13-16) of this Christian nation. The words ‘white’, ‘light’, ‘bright’, and ‘right’ all rhyme: and they all describe Christ. Praise God, in Jesus Christ’s holy name, Amen & Amen.