King Edward VI of England
The Young Josiah
By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford
See II Kings 22:1 & II Chronicles 34:1 & Psalm 8:2 & Isaiah 3:4 & Revelation 1:5
King Edward VI was the son of Henry VIII. After his father's death he was crowned King of England in 1547 at the age of 9. (Almost the exact age the Judean king Josiah [see I Chr.
'This intellectual and pious child was one of those "who trembled at God's Word", which he loved and venerated; and which had "free course and was glorified" during his brief reign. At his coronation, three swords were brought, to be carried before him, in token that three realms were subject to his sway. The precious prince said that yet another sword must be brought; and when the attending nobles asked what sword that might be, he answered, – "The Bible!" That, said he, "is the sword of the Spirit, and is to be preferred before these swords. That ought, in all right, to govern us, who use the others for the people's safety, by God's appointment." Adding some similar expressions, he commanded the Sacred Volume to be brought and to be borne reverently before him in the grand procession'[i]
Unfortunately this bright child of God died very early in 1553. Nevertheless, in his ephemeral monarchial reign Edward commissioned 14 English Bibles and 35 New Testaments![ii] In Jesus Christ's name, Amen!
John Foxe recorded the following statement Christopher Waid made shortly before his martyrdom:
‘...Waid warned the people not to listen to the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He urged them to embrace the religion of King Edward’s days, instead.’[iii]
Born 1537–Died 1553
Reign 1547–1553